The regions are called to maintain their training budget in 2016, but the State will compensate for any “extra effort” related to the deployment of 500 000 courses for the unemployed.

The regions will not be used to fund the plan from 500 000 training courses for the unemployed, the State is committed to compensate any extra effort” of communities, it was learnt on Monday from the ministry of Labour. “The prerequisite for an area to engage in the plan is that it will maintain its training effort. Beyond that, any additional effort will be compensated by the State,” said office of Myriam El Khomri.

“The 500, 000 shares of further training” scheduled in 2016 will therefore be financed exclusively by the State, which “has made an exceptional effort of one billion euros”, and by the social partners of the Fund joint making career paths secure (FPSPP) which will add “between 110 and 130 million euros”, according to the ministry.

READ ALSO >> the money from the training

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A call for voluntary participation of the regions

Myriam El Khomri was to meet Monday afternoon the social partners and a delegation of presidents of regions, including the Republicans, Philippe Richert (Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine) and Xavier Bertrand (Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie), to discuss the “operational implementation” of the plan “500 000”, announced on January 18 by president François Hollande.

The “kick-off” the official plan will be given Tuesday, February 29, by the minister and his secretary of State for the Training, Clotilde Valter, and then “agreements will be signed between the State and the regions volunteers during the month of march”, according to the firm. In regions which are not voluntary, “the State shall abound the funding of Pôle emploi and the job seekers will be trained,” added the same source.

The government has already “head-distribution” number of shares of additional training by region, established according to three criteria: the number of job seekers, the number of unemployed people trained in 2015, and the number of long-term unemployed. The ministry of Labour has also stated that it would not be 500,000 additional unemployed persons in training, but “500,000 shares” for training additional, “the same person may enter a training course and attend two or three trainings”.

training more or less long

The “plan 500 000” will rely on a “mix training” short and long, consisting of training on “basic skills”, “pre-qualification” and qualification to the job seekers, low-skilled, training in the trades “voltage”, or “training longer for the jobs of tomorrow”, for the long-term unemployed with a qualification level higher. In total, a million trainings should be provided to job seekers this year, compared to about 500 000 in 2015.

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The number of unemployed people trained who found a job has dropped Two unemployed attack the Pôle emploi for the “training bogus” 150 million euros in addition to the training of unemployed persons

The training bodies will they be able to cope with such an influx? “These last few months, they complained that their sales had dropped considerably and that their trainers were under-used because of the implementation of the personal account of formation (CPF) in 2015… Then we take them at their word. Now, they will have the opportunity to catch up on the year 2016, and fairly massive,” replied the ministry.