Valérie Pécresse, the president of the regional council of Ile-de-France, has announced the tripling of the number of collective training programs for the unemployed, which will rise from 2000 to 6000. But it says it is unable to fulfil the objectives set by the State.

To implement its plan of 500 000 further education and training for job seekers, the government must rely on the support of the regions. Good news for him, the Ile-de-France is going to “engage” in the project, said Valérie Pécresse Monday. The president elected in December to the party of The Republicans has unveiled its “emergency measures” for employment at a conference organized with the economic actors. She, however, cautioned the executive: the Ile-de-France will focus on the “qualitative” and not “quantitative”, even if we will not achieve the objective as “very proactive” State.

The region has, according to Valérie Pécresse, “700 000 job seekers”, of which less than 10% are currently in training, while 38 300 jobs would be unfilled, according to Pôle emploi. In concrete terms, the commitment of the Ile-de-France will in a first time with the launch, with the Pôle emploi, a tender for the purchase of 4000 joint training additional. They are now 2000 and would be reduced to 6000. Amount for the State: 36 million euros, against 12 million currently. Because if the regions are called to maintain their training budgets in 2016, it is the State that will compensate the effort related to the deployment of 500 000 courses are exceptional for the unemployed. The total cost is estimated at one billion euros, to which will be added 110 to 130 million euros from the social partners.

“This is only the first step of the plan, assured Jérôme Chartier, vice-president in charge of the employment and finance. We will go further, but we want to be qualitative, not doing training for training.” An argument repeated by Valérie Pécresse: “I am not able to engage the region on 50 or 60 000 further education and training” for the unemployed, as would the State. 60 000, today it is the number of unemployed trained each year in the Ile-de-France. “Unlike the government, our objective is not to remove people from lists of job seekers”, has persiflé the president. The opposition accuses régulèrement the executive launched the plan of 500 000 courses to artificially lower the unemployment figures the most scrutinized each month.

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The priority given to basic knowledge and the trades in tension

under The new agreement, to be signed with the Pôle emploi, plans to give priority to training the fundamentals, such as French, math, English, office tools, etc, It also aims to identify, for each job pool, ten trades voltage for which will be proposed qualifying training in order to be “closer to the needs of businesses” and “reduce the number of posts not filled”. The convention also provides for “additional training, adaptation to the job”, when a candidate has been pre-selected for a job, but it lacks a few specific skills to be recruited.

In the framework of this convention, Pôle emploi is committed to ensuring that the job seeker is received by a counselor in the months following its listing, compared with four months until now, and a better understanding of the learning, naming in particular a reference by the training centre. For its part, the region will now also be the individual training, used to be the responsibility of Pôle emploi, to have “a comprehensive view of training”, according to Valérie Pécresse. The Ile-de-France and Pôle emploi will also “build together”, an online service to make its own assessment of competence, and an online tool “to guide job seekers towards the right training”.