
PlayStation Fans Upset Over Missing ‘Valorant’ Console Feature

Valorant, a popular first-person shooter game, is set to launch on consoles this week in beta form for both the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. However, some PS5 fans are expressing disappointment that Valorant will not utilize a key feature of the PS5, blaming Xbox for this decision.

The game, known for its emphasis on precision aim, presents a challenge when adapting to console controllers, which lack the precision of a mouse. Riot Games has introduced a Focus Aim system for Valorant on consoles to assist with aiming while maintaining fast movement. Though untested, this system may offer a solution to the difficulty of achieving precise aim on consoles.

PS5 fans have pointed out that the PS5 controller’s gyro technology could have been leveraged for gyro aiming in Valorant, allowing for more precise movement control. This feature has been successfully implemented in other games like The Finals and Fortnite. However, the development team opted not to include gyro aiming in Valorant on console to maintain parity across all platforms, as Xbox controllers do not offer this technology.

Coleman Palm, product management lead on Valorant gameplay, discussed the decision in a forum thread, explaining the team’s desire to provide a consistent experience for all players. While gyro aiming may be considered for future implementation on PlayStation, it will not be available in the initial release.

The news has sparked debate among fans of both PlayStation and Xbox, highlighting the ongoing console wars in the gaming community. Despite the controversy, the beta launch of Valorant on consoles is imminent, allowing players to experience the game firsthand and judge for themselves the impact of this missing feature.

As a journalist covering gaming news, I typically focus on PC games to avoid getting caught up in console rivalries. However, the reaction to Valorant’s console release suggests that tensions between PlayStation and Xbox fans are still prevalent. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.

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