Roberto Uriarte considers that the positions of some PP leaders regarding what happened in Brazil are “extremely serious”


The deputy of United We Can Roberto Uriarte has accused the PP and Vox of creating a “breeding ground” to make believe that “electoral fraud in the State” can occur if the right does not win and “this is how the conditions are prepared so that when the results of these assaults are known”. Likewise, he has considered that the positions of some of the top leaders of the PP regarding what happened in Brazil are “extremely serious.”

In an interview on Radio Popular, collected by Europa Press, Uriarte referred to the situation experienced in Brazil in recent hours with the assault by supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro on Congress, the Presidency and the Supreme Court.

After showing his “concern” about what happened, Uriarte has warned that these are events that are “repeated” and regretted that when they happened in Washington (USA) “they had no consequences for whoever promoted it”, in reference to the former North American president Donald Trump.

In his opinion, what is serious is not only the assaults on the seat of national sovereignty, but also that in Spain “a breeding ground is sown” to make the public believe that “electoral fraud can take place if the election does not win.” right and thus the conditions are prepared so that when the results are known, these assaults will take place”.

“Not only the extreme right but also the PP talk about the government being fraudulent and the president being illegitimate. They talk about the fact that there are no guarantees in the next electoral process, questioning the work that Indra engineering can do in the recount process despite that all kinds of guarantees are given”, he warned, adding that, with this, “doubt is sown with the aim of reproducing these things” and we are facing a “global strategy that happens all over the world” .

In this context, it has affected that it begins by “delegitimizing the president, generating hatred” towards him and thus causing “a breeding ground.” In this way, he has accused the Popular Party of “lying, sowing hoaxes, equalizing unequal situations, generating misinformation and a breeding ground for this type of thing to be repeated.”

“To this day, the leaders of the extreme right and of the PP continue with this strategy of equalizing absolutely unequal situations and saying that the same thing has happened in Lima or Barcelona, ??when they are unequal things,” he added.

On the other hand, he has underlined the importance of the role of the opposition in a democratic state when it comes to acting as a counterweight and developing a “constructive role”, something that, in the case of the PP, he considers “leaves much to be desired”.

Thus, it has considered that the positions of the last hours by some of the top leaders of the PP, such as that of the general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, regarding what happened in Brazil are “extremely serious.”

“Many PP spokesmen make very serious statements and it is a way of not understanding what a democratic opposition is in a country,” he added, while accusing them of using the opposition to “delegitimize the institutions and even weaken the situation of a country discrediting it abroad”.

On the other hand, Uriarte has affirmed that the first part of the legislature has been “extremely hard” for the Executive due to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, and has stressed that in the last months of the legislature “it is time to promote measures of equality and advancement of rights”.

Likewise, he has denounced the latest cases of sexist violence in the State and has assured that “democratic pedagogy” is needed and that it is understood that it is “absolutely intolerable that one can have sexual relations with convinced consent.”

“It is essential to get rid of a patriarchal culture that places responsibility on the victim. Just as we have experienced political violence, patriarchal violence is also absolutely regrettable,” he concluded.