The co-spokeswoman for Podemos, María Teresa Pérez, has stated that it would not be understood that the coalition government ended the legislature without approving the Housing Law and has criticized the pressure that the regulations have received from the “real estate lobby”, which has been “overheard” by the PSOE, his coalition partner.
In statements to Arco FM, collected by Europa Press, the also secretary of institutional Action of the purple formation has stressed that there is a “housing emergency” to which a response must be given, to add that it is possible to “go further” in matter of facilitating access to housing if there is “political will and ambition”, something that his party certainly has.
And the “best way to do it”, Pérez has reported, is the Housing Law, which must include increasing the public housing stock, prohibiting evictions of vulnerable families without a housing alternative and regulating the rental price in stressed market areas, among others.
“We cannot wait any longer and we do not understand why it has been delayed over time,” he emphasized, adding that there have been successive agreements on this regulation in the General Budgets and within the Government.
In this way, and given that Spain is one of the countries with a “latest” young emancipation rate in Europe, as well as “abusive” prices due to the “greed” of large holders, the Podemos co-spokesperson has reiterated that “it is not it would be understood to end the legislature without approving a Housing Law that is as adequate as possible”.
Therefore, he has urged the approval of the legislative project in Congress as soon as possible and has criticized the pressure exerted by the real estate lobby and “heard more” by his coalition partner.
He has also said that there is “a lot of work ahead” in the Executive, such as repealing the Gag Law and approving the new Family Law or the Animal Welfare Law. “We have a lot of energy and we are very stubborn,” Pérez stressed, since in principle objections are made to the proposals they make and then they are assumed.
Finally, and on the ninth anniversary of the purple formation, he stressed that they have achieved their main political objectives such as breaking with bipartisanship or reaching the coalition government, despite the attacks and “lawfare” (judicial war) that they have suffered during their career .
Both PSOE and Podemos have reactivated negotiations to try to unblock the Housing Law, whose parliamentary processing in Congress has been frozen for months, and the purples trust they can reach a consensus this month or the following.