He assures that there are no indications of crime in the contract he signed with the consultant for the campaign to the general elections of April 2019


Podemos has provided a report that analyzes “similar” contracts adopted by Public Administrations “of all political persuasions” to ask the judge — who is investigating the 363,000-euro contract that he signed with the Neurona consultancy within the framework of the campaign to the general elections of April 2019– to file the procedure considering that “the information provided allows us to conclude” that “there is no distortion in the freely agreed price” with the consultant and that, therefore, there are no indications of crime.

In a letter, to which Europa Press has had access, the formation has specified that the aforementioned report “only refers to the preparation of audiovisual pieces for advertising campaigns”, therefore – having proven that Neurona “covered more products and services”– it is “clear” that “the global service agreed and paid” by Podemos with the consultant “is at normal market values”.

In the report, to which this news agency has also had access, reference is made to contracts signed by Tourespaña, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Provincial Council of Córdoba, the Community of Madrid, Tourism of Tenerife and the Ministry of Industry.

In the conclusions of the text, it is stressed that “the average price of the contracts analyzed amounts to 37,418 euros per video, significantly higher than the theoretically calculated price of 6,250 euros for each video of the Neurona contract”. “The average price per minute of video in the contracts analyzed amounts to 9,706 euros per minute, fully comparable to the 8,333 euros calculated for the Neurona contract,” the document states.

Apart from the report, the defense of the formation has reviewed what has been investigated so far in the Investigating Court Number 42 of Madrid and has assured that “it has been proven” that the services provided by Neurona were neither “simulated” nor were they “non-existent”, as stated in the complaint that gave rise to the case.

In nine pages, Podemos has criticized that once it was proven that the consultant provided its services to the party –after more than two years of instruction” and with “the reputational wear and tear that it has caused”– the object of the investigation was directed to verify if the price agreed between both parties was real.

Thus, the formation has made reference to the rogatory commission that was delivered to Mexico to carry out the declaration of several witnesses, to the report that was commissioned to the Economic and Fiscal Crime Unit (UDEF) of the Judicial Police, to the interrogations that were held in court to clarify the facts denounced and the expert report that the judge commissioned more than a year ago and that has not yet been contributed to the procedure due to the refusal of several experts to assume its drafting.

On this last point, Podemos has stressed that “all possible experts consulted to date, even belonging to guilds that have a clear connection with the services provided -audiovisual, political scientists, sociologists, telecommunications engineers, among others- have discarded on the grounds that they do not have the necessary knowledge and experience”. He has also stressed that “the UDEF did not consider itself competent to assess or report on the market prices of said products and services.”

In line, the party recalled that in Spain “a market economy governs, so that, except for specific sectors subject to public regulation, freedom of contracting and, especially, pricing is protected.”

In this sense, he has defended that the expert that can be carried out –“if his honor finally obtains an expert that accepts the commission– “will only show if the price paid by our client is expensive, medium, or cheap, in the comparison with other providers or according to its criteria, which would be completely inconsequential from a criminal perspective”.

In this way, from Podemos they have stressed that “there are no indications that there has been any supposed little activity on the part of the service provider Neurona Comunidad, which in turn can be considered an indication of diversion of the funds paid by the electoral coalition ” . They have insisted that there is “not a single indication of use other than payment of the services” either, so, in their opinion, what is pertinent is that the procedure be archived.

It should be remembered that the expert report commissioned by Judge Juan José Escalonilla more than a year ago is the only proceeding that remains pending in the investigation, apart from the report on which the Central Cybercrime Unit is already working on the emails of the co-founder of We can accused in this case, Juan Carlos Monedero.

Last July, the magistrate rejected a new extension of the term, considering that there were no more proceedings to carry out. It is expected that once both reports are submitted to the procedure, the head of the Court will decide whether to file or, in view of new evidence contained in said reports, to resume the investigation.