Podemos has warned the president, Pedro Sánchez, this Friday that his “interests” and those of Morocco cannot be above the “fair” fight of the Sahara for its sovereignty, regretting that the Spain-Morocco Summit has consolidated the turn of the Government regarding the position held regarding his political status.

Through the social network Twitter, the secretary of Internacional de Podemos has recalled that in April the Plenary Session of Congress already made clear its position against the “unilateral turn” of the president regarding the Sahara.

“The agreements and declarations made at the summit regarding the sovereignty of the Sahara go against both International Law and the popular will of Spain”, added the minority partner of the Government, which has reiterated its support for the “necessity and obligation “to facilitate a process of free self-determination for the Sahara and to avoid “any unilateral action not consensual” with the Saharawi people.

Podemos, despite sharing a government with the PSOE, has distanced itself from the Spanish-Moroccan summit held this week in Rabat. The Secretary General and Minister of Social Welfare, Ione Belarra, already assured on Thursday that this High Level Meeting (RAN) means “consolidating” the Spanish turn on the Sahara.