
Cardano founder Hoskinson has issued a warning about the potential political backlash that could result from former President Donald Trump’s venture into the world of decentralized finance (DeFi). In recent interviews, Hoskinson expressed doubts about the crypto policies of both Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris, highlighting the need for clear direction and support for the industry in the United States.

Uncertainty Surrounding Crypto Policies

During an interview with The Financial Times, Hoskinson voiced concerns about the lack of clarity and sophistication in the discourse surrounding crypto policies from both Trump and Harris. He criticized Harris for potentially continuing the policies of the Biden administration, which he believes have been detrimental to the industry. On the other hand, he expressed skepticism about Trump’s ability to assemble a team capable of advancing the crypto sector, citing his history of high staff turnover.

Hoskinson also pointed out a generational divide within the Democratic Party when it comes to digital assets. While senior leaders like Elizabeth Warren and President Joe Biden have shown reluctance toward the industry, younger Democrats such as Ro Khanna are more open to discussing fair regulatory measures. He anticipates that the party’s stance on crypto regulation will likely evolve over time.

Trump’s Pro-Crypto Stance and Partisan Risks

Despite his reservations, Hoskinson remains optimistic about Trump’s stance on crypto, noting that the former President has been more vocal and supportive of the industry compared to Harris. He highlighted Trump’s involvement in DeFi projects and his talks at crypto conferences as evidence of his pro-crypto stance. However, he cautioned that Trump’s new DeFi platform, World Liberty Financial, could become a partisan issue, potentially sparking strong reactions from his political opponents.

Hoskinson raised concerns that Democrats may retaliate against Trump’s DeFi venture by using government institutions such as the Department of Justice or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to hinder the project. He emphasized the risk of politicizing the crypto industry, which could drive more of it offshore and have wider implications for the market as a whole.

Regulatory Clarity and Global Adoption

In the broader context of global cryptocurrency adoption, Hoskinson emphasized the need for regulatory clarity and a supportive political landscape to foster the industry within American borders. He believes that establishing a clear regulatory regime for the industry in the US could potentially add between $5 trillion and $10 trillion in value to the economy over the next decade by embracing decentralized technologies and creating more equitable systems.

Hoskinson pointed to progressive regulatory developments in regions such as Singapore, the Middle East, and Europe as examples of how other nations are moving forward with crypto-friendly policies. He expressed a desire for the US to re-enter the race and take a leading role in the industry but remains uncertain whether the political landscape will align with the global movement toward decentralization.

Overall, Hoskinson’s warning about the potential political backlash from Trump’s DeFi venture highlights the need for clear direction and support for the crypto industry in the US. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be essential for policymakers to engage in informed and constructive dialogue to ensure the growth and success of decentralized technologies.