They facilitate compliance with the law approved by the Senate with mobile offices or postmen that guarantee cash


The PSOE and the PP want to exempt banks from having to reinstall ATMs in municipalities without banking service, as mandated by a law approved in the Senate, and offer as an alternative to reach agreements with the public company Correos or the start-up of mobile offices.

This is stated in its amendments, to which Europa Press has had access, to the bill approved by the Senate and sent last May to Congress, where its processing continues.

This initiative seeks to guarantee the ATM service in municipalities at risk of financial exclusion and contemplates a series of obligations for the financial sector, which must facilitate the functions of withdrawing and depositing cash, making inquiries about movements and balances, obtaining extracts, transfers or the payment of bills and taxes.

However, with its amendments, the PSOE proposes to change the name of the initiative and leave it in the ‘Cash withdrawal service guarantee law’, and that in municipalities with less than 500 inhabitants this right can be guaranteed through post offices and rural postmen.

For larger municipalities, cash withdrawal may be made at a permanent bank branch or an ATM, but also through a financial agent –with the possibility of a weekly route– or a mobile branch, also with the possibility of being weekly.

The formation of the Government argues that it is a “realistic and efficient solution for these populations”, and that in the case of financial agents a more personalized service can be provided, “something of special interest given the high average age of the population in these municipalities.

Thus, it proposes to suppress all the regulation on the compulsory installation of ATMs, although it contemplates a provision for the Bank of Spain to prepare a report on access to cash within 12 months from the entry into force, and from hence, study whether a compulsory provision regime is necessary.

In the last Debate on the State of the Nation, the PSOE accepted an ERC proposal to promote legislative measures to guarantee the ATM service for the elderly, vulnerable people and other people at risk of financial exclusion.

The PP, for its part, does maintain the reinstatement of ATMs in its amendments, although it suppresses the part that regulates the mandatory installation through tenders and facilitates the possibilities of complying with the law without installing ATMs.

Thus, they propose that the obligations required by law be understood to be fulfilled if the services collected are carried out through agreements with the Post Office, and also provide the services through mobile ATMs in small municipalities, for which the service is proposed. three hours on one day a week for every 250 inhabitants.

Likewise, it enables an exception so that the cash entry function is only mandatory in municipalities with more than 500 inhabitants.

On the other hand, the ‘popular’ want to exempt the installation of ATMs from any tax, rate or special contribution -whether state, regional or local-, arguing that “it makes no sense to demand the provision of financial services and charge tributes for it.

In the case of United We Can, the coalition partner of the PSOE wants to end an article of the law that allows it to comply with the obligations of withdrawing cash with mobile offices, taking into account the location of the municipalities and the cost of installing and maintaining ATMs, provided that a minimum service of three days a week is guaranteed.

The confederal group considers that this clause “enables a subterfuge to financial entities to avoid complying with the object of the law”, for which it proposes to suppress it.

Other proposals are to entrust the Bank of Spain with an analysis of financial exclusion or ask the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) for a report on the cost of the cash withdrawal service to evaluate the commission system and, from hence, set a maximum amount for the commissions established by the entities that own the ATMs.

Likewise, they propose guarantees to agree with financial institutions on a plan that establishes that the closure of more branches does not entail the closure of their external ATMs, the increase in support staff to assist people with greater difficulty in digital procedures, and simplify and facilitate access technology, among others.