applications for Certificate of selection of Quebec must now be accompanied by a “certificate of learning” of democratic values and quebec.

Notice to candidates for expatriation, the government of quebec has just introduced a new rule of the game in its immigrant selection process : since the 1st of January, any person submitting a visa application in one of the programs of economic immigration (1) must provide evidence of sufficient knowledge on democratic values and quebec values “expressed by the Charter of rights and freedoms of the person”.

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This “certificate of learning”, which is mandatory to get a Certificate of selection of Quebec (CSQ), is obtained by line (or by attending an information session Objective Integration for people already living in the Belle Province and receiving a temporary permit). The success of this virtual assessment, which must be carried out in the allotted time of three hours, requires 15 correct responses out of a total of 20 questions. In case of failure, a minimum period of two weeks must elapse between each test (three attempts maximum are possible when the candidates do not have a work permit or study permit). Once obtained, the document is valid for two years. Attention, the attestation must be provided by the applicant but also by members of his family who accompany him (outside of dependent children under 18 years of age and people with a permanent impairment of physical or cognitive).

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A tool that essentially “symbolic”

the government of the Beautiful Province offers a practical guide to thirty pages in order to prepare this evaluation. The document details the “five keys” needed to “better understand the Québec”, namely : 1/the Quebec is a francophone society ; 2/the Quebec is a democratic society ; 3/equality between women and men ; 4/the rights and responsibilities of Quebec and Quebec 5/Quebec is a secular society. The guide also gives examples of questions that can be found in the assessment, such as this “true/false” – “in Quebec, women and men have the same rights and this equality is notably enshrined in the Charter of rights and freedoms of the person” – or this “glue” multiple choice : “What is the official language of Quebec ?”

This new device may complicate the task of the applicants to a new life across the Atlantic ? Probably not. The flexibility of the process and the relative ease of the questionnaire are primarily a tool “symbolic” and a “year of awareness”, according to experts interviewed by the canadian media, which also point the finger at the weakness of a review carried out online, from home.

“time will tell whether the approach is credible, reacts Marc-André Séguin, attorney specialized in immigration law and a partner with the firm Exeo Lawyers. What is sure, is that people who wish to settle in Quebec do so because they already want to join and contribute to quebec society. In this spirit, the test is a formality which must be dealt with… That said, if the idea is to preserve the values and culture of Quebec and, in my humble opinion this is not with tests of this kind that we will accomplish much. The culture and values of quebec should be valued, not ‘tested’!”

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(1) Are concerned : the regular Program of skilled workers ; and the Program of the quebec experience ; the entrepreneur Program ; the Program of the self-employed Program and the investors.