The economist and politician Ramón Tamames is willing to be the candidate for the vote of no confidence announced by Vox against the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, although he still has to close details with Santiago Abascal himself in an appointment that they will hold next week.

In a conversation with Europa Press, Tamames explained that the final decision has not been made and it will be next week when he will announce whether he is willing to lead the motion of no confidence, after a meeting that he will hold on Tuesday with Vox leaders, led by Abascal.

However, he has admitted that the balance is tilted in favor of accepting the offer, which he has acknowledged is flattering after his long professional career. In addition, he believes that, in case of rejecting the offer, he would have the feeling of not having done everything possible to help his country.

Specifically, he has to discuss with Vox what his speech would be like before the Plenary Session of Congress as a candidate for the Presidency of the Government and also what the speech of the deputy who acted as defender of the motion would be like, surely Abascal himself.

The one who was leader of the Communist Party (PCE) in the years of dictatorship and Transition, and later leader of the Democratic and Social Center (CDS), has explained to Europa Press that he does not share all the postulates of Vox as a political party, but he has stressed that it is a constitutional party, something “very important” for him.

In fact, he has emphasized the “seriousness” that, in his opinion, the agreements of the Government of Pedro Sánchez with pro-independence parties and “who want to break Spain” entail. “Spain hurts me, as Unamuno said”, he has acknowledged.

In this context, he would like the motion to be signed by deputies from different parliamentary groups, such as the Popular Party, Ciudadanos or even some of the PSOE willing to break party discipline, although he assumes that the possibility of this is remote.

For Tamames, one of the main current problems is the “rupture of the system of powers”, when the executive power “is taking over the judicial power” and, in his opinion, it has already done so over the legislature.

But in addition, it focuses on the latest reform of the Penal Code that modifies the crime of embezzlement and eliminates that of sedition, which it sees as “a tailored suit” for the leaders of the ‘procés’. “It is a tailored suit for some gentlemen who, according to the Supreme Court, have committed a crime”, he has denounced.

All this possible due to the “understanding” of the Government with political forces” that “want to leave Spain” and which, as he has remarked, would even like to end the monarchy.