Insee has identified the methods that have allowed the unemployed to find a new job in 2016. What works… Or not.
What has been the modus operandi of the 4.2 million people who claim to have conducted a job search in 2016? Insee has addressed this issue and the results are without appeal: the use of offers of employment is quasi-systematic. The method does not, however, the best chance of success.
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The offer of employment is always preferred
According to the paper “How to search-t-on a job?” released on 19 July by the institute of statistics* 87% of people in search of a job employee make an announcement (in a newspaper, on the internet, in a store…), consult with, or respond to offers of employment.
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This does not prevent them to take other paths in parallel. Thus, 67% contact employment centre, a temporary employment agency or another organization such as a firm’s investment or Apec for managers. A proportion roughly similar (65%) turns to family, friends, former colleagues, or a trade union, in short, uses his or her personal or professional relations to find the holy grail. 62% rely on the unsolicited application, whether by mail, e-mail, on the website of the company, or a professional salon.
The use of social networks is not reserved for the young
31% of the unemployed use social networks. “We do not expect that this share is also important,” says Vladimir Passeron, head of the employment department of the institute of statistics. And we suspected even less that the more than 50 years had also taken the fold. They are 25% to use social networks, when the 25-49 year-olds are 32% and those aged 15-24 years to 36%. The differences are not very important.”
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The study confirms other trends that you feel, instinctively. The managers favour their relations and social networks to find a job, when the workers will rely more on the employment and temporary work agencies. Young people, who were not necessarily even of relations, are more inclined to focus with spontaneous applications.
The process spontaneous is the most powerful
“The steps the more frequent, as the use of small ads, are not necessarily those which make it possible to find a job,” says the survey. Thus, among the employees who are on the job for less than a year, 42% said they had found this position through personal efforts with the employer or spontaneous applications. A little further on, we find the personal or professional relations as channels of access. The ads are only in the third position. They have been the vehicle of success for only 7.2% of people.
* This document Insee Première is realized from the Employment survey carried out in the continuous household survey. Are interviewed the unemployed, and the employed who want to have another job
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Find a job through social networks
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8.8% of respondents have landed in their position through the job center (or another public body). Even if this proportion may seem low, it is, analysis Jorick Guillaneuf, who led the study, “relatively stable for the past 20 years and close to that observed in other countries for the public employment service”.
* This document Insee Première is realized from the Employment survey carried out in the continuous household survey. Are interviewed the unemployed, and the employed who want to have another job