The training courses attended by the unemployed by the end of the law, disabled workers or apprentices, shall enter in the calculation of the period of contribution for retirement, according to a decree published in the official Journal.
Good news. The vocational training followed by job seekers, disabled workers and apprentices will now be in the calculation of the period of contribution for retirement, according to the decree n° 2015-1240 published on Thursday 8 October in the official Journal.
The measure responds to a commitment made by the minister of social Affairs Marisol Touraine during his reform of retirement pensions January 2014. She entered retroactively into force as of January 1, 2015.
>> Read also: Unemployment: how to choose a training when you are a job seeker
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300,000 persons each year
“It will apply to all precarious workers (uninsured unemployed, disabled workers, apprentices) who are following a professional training, about 300,000 people each year,” said the ministry in a press release.
The decree specifies “the conditions under which the old age solidarity fund (which pays contributions pensions of the unemployed, ed) will take charge of the validation of free quarters of old-age insurance for periods of vocational training of job seekers”.
The status of a “trainee of professional education” does not allow precarious workers, “in particular the job seekers at the end of rights”, “validating quarters for retirement,” said the ministry.
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“today we correct this injustice and raise a major obstacle to vocational training, decisive lever to get back into employment”, welcomed Marisol Touraine.