The text is intended not to penalise automatically the French, who are mistaken in their statements to the administration. It must be approved by the Senate.

The national Assembly has already adopted this Tuesday by the vast project for the simplification law introducing a “right to error”, which will be subject to “good faith”, to avoid sanctions to the directors at the first failure.

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The text “for a State at the service of a trusted company,” was passed on first reading by 405 votes in support, 41 against and 102 abstentions. The majority LREM-Modem has voted for, just as the group UDI-Act and the socialists. LR abstained, while Untamed and communists voted against it.

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Mercy on the errors of good faith

Widely referred to during the campaign by Emmanuel Macron, the law of error is presented as “the possibility for every Frenchman to be wrong in its declarations to the administration, without risking a sanction from the first failure”. It will be up to the administration to prove that the user was acting in bad faith.

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In tax matters, is expected that if the authority detects an error in good faith in the context of a control, late payment interest will be reduced by 30%. If it is the users who rectifies his error in itself, the interest will be reduced by half.

The text is expected in the Senate

A company would otherwise impose by the labour inspectorate first of all a warning instead of a fine in case of an error “in good faith” on working time, minimum wages stipulated by law and collective agreements, rules of hygiene and accommodation. It may also ask for an administration to be monitored to ensure that it is in compliance with and opposition to the conclusions in the event of a claim.

Read our complete file : the website of the government on the right to the error The “right to error” to be definitively adopted in the Parliament The employees home victims progress to caregivers?

Fort of 43 articles, the text of which has been defended by the minister of the public Accounts Gérald Darmanin, has been voted after twenty-two hours of debate and the examination of 966 amendments, of which 143 are adopted, has made it clear on Tuesday from the “perch” the president of the Assembly, François de Rugy. It must now be debated in the Senate.