In 2015, nearly six unemployed out of ten have worked within the six months following a prescribed training by Pôle emploi, according to a study published by the latter. It is for the young people that the training was completed more often on the job.

The plan was put in place 500 000 priority training launched in early 2016 by François Hollande has raised many questions and doubts as to its effectiveness in terms of professional insertion. If it is still too early to draw up a balance sheet of the plan itself, a study of Pôle emploi published on the 1st of December on the persons who have followed a training in 2015, could be a good omen. At least for some categories of unemployed such as young people.

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Among the approximately 365.000 job seekers out to training in 2015, more than half (57.3%) have worked in the past six months, according to the report. A figure slightly up compared to 2014, the rate of access to employment stood at 56%. But be careful! This does not mean that these individuals were still in employment at the end of six months.

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training, professional springboard for the young

This is for the young people that the training was completed more often on the job. The 20-24-year-olds, a rate of access to employment of 61.8% after a training course, 25-29 years, a rate of 60.8%, according to this study.

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The seniors, meanwhile, are less easily a job after training: 49.4 per cent for the 50-54 year-olds and 42% for the 55-59 age group. But their rates are significantly on the rise compared to 2014 (respectively +2.8 and +3.8 points).

the Same holds true for the long-term unemployed, whose rate of 45.3%, low but rise of 2.7 percentage points.

These trends have taken place in a context of recovery in employment, with about 150,000 additional jobs in 2015.

Rate of access to employment versus rate of reclassification

Pôle emploi publishes for the first time the rate of access to employment. He did not, previously, administrative data are sufficiently complete. Failing this, the public operator was a reclassification rates, through a survey of a sample of outbound training. In addition to their methodology, two indicators have different definitions: the “rate of access to employment” identifies all of the people who have been in employment during the six months following the training, while the “reclassification rates” takes into account only individuals in employment at time T, six months after the end of their training.

Unlike the rate of access to employment, the rate of reclassification has decreased by 2 percentage points in 2015, from 49.5% to 47.5%.

But according to Pôle emploi, questioned by the AFP, this indicator is less significant, as measured on a sample,” and therefore subject to a “margin of imprecision due to the survey”. The operator shall, in addition, have “changed (his) methods of sampling”, making it risky in comparison with 2014.

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According to the survey, nine in ten (88.5 per cent) say that the training that they have followed has met their expectations.