The “horizon of opportunities” stands out with Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil and Mexico


The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has vindicated the “fundamental role” that Spain, “the best country in the world”, is called to play in the coming months, particularly during the EU Presidency in the second semester, thanks to its growing international influence and also “its own strengths”.

He did so in his speech with which he inaugurated the VII Conference of Ambassadors at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which almost 130 ambassadors have participated and which for the first time since 2008 has been in person.

Sánchez thanked all of them for their “dedication and commitment” with which, he stressed, “you are helping Spain to reposition itself on the map of influences”, and he has asked them to maintain that effort this year in the face of the challenges that lies ahead, starting with the European Presidency, but also going through the war in Ukraine or the climate emergency.

The President of the Government has expressed his chest about the Government’s achievements in recent months, arguing that “Spain must believe in its own strengths”, among which he has cited the lowest inflation in the EU, one of the highest growth rates in all of Europe and higher employment levels in recent years.

Spain, has had an impact, not only is it not losing competitiveness but it is “gaining it in an uncertain and absolutely complex context”. “If we have been able to grow, create jobs while reducing inflation against a gale, let’s imagine what Spain can achieve when the wind blows in our favour,” she told the ambassadors.

He has also highlighted progress in the area of ??rights, citing in particular the suppression of the requested vote that, “in a year full of electoral appointments” like 2023, will allow 2.3 million Spaniards living abroad to vote.

The president has made it clear that the Government is prepared to exercise “constructive leadership” and has valued the fact that Spain is “a country recognized throughout the world”, as demonstrated by the fact that the Spanish passport is the third that allows “crossing the greatest number of borders”.

This is due to the “cordial and purposeful relationship” that is maintained with other countries and that results in “recognition and respect,” he has claimed.

Sánchez has taken the opportunity to list the three axes that are the backbone of Spanish foreign policy: multilateralism, solidarity and feminism. Regarding this last issue, she has denounced that “the Human Rights of women continue to be at risk” as evidenced by “the dramatic setbacks in Afghanistan and Iran” and that they are the “verification that some achievements are not irreversible”.

For this reason, she has defended the need to continue betting on a feminist foreign policy and to continue promoting equality through foreign action. For this, he has delimited, it is especially important that women continue accessing the Diplomatic Career “with the force with which they have been doing it in recent years”, to the point where in 2022 there were more women than men in promotion.

By geographical areas, Spanish foreign policy has to be “European” in the first place, said the president. “Much is expected of our Presidency,” he said, acknowledging that it will be “the greatest challenge” in foreign policy in 2023. “I am counting on the redoubled effort of all of you to make it a great success for the country,” he told the ambassadors.

Secondly, he cited the “Atlantist dimension”, highlighting in particular the success of the NATO summit in Madrid and also the good moment in the relationship with the United States that was staged with the visit of the president, Joe Biden.

He then referred to the special relationship with Latin America and the “horizon of opportunities” that is looming, specifically mentioning Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil and Mexico, as well as the need for a “more ambitious” policy towards Asia. Here, he has referred in particular to the relationship with China, with which he has opted for a “constructive dialogue”.

On the other hand, Sánchez has assured that “stability in the southern neighborhood must continue to be a top priority”, which is why Spain will promote a summit of EU leaders with these countries during the Presidency.

Spain, said the president, is committed to “a positive agenda” with North Africa. At this point, he referred to the “new road map” with Morocco that “will guarantee the interests of Spain” and also to the aspiration to “have the best relations” with Algeria, an “essential and strategic partner”.

“We can play and we must play a fundamental role on this global stage”, he defended, something in which the role of the ambassadors is “absolutely decisive”. “External action is the continuation of internal conviction and we want to project to the world the same values ??that we share as a society and that are included in our Constitution”, she has influenced.

“Our voice is increasingly being heard”, he stressed, encouraging them to “be proactive in the search for opportunities and in dialogue with the national authorities” because “the ability of our country to project itself successfully depends on it”.

“You are the image and emblem of an extraordinary country, the best in the world, which is Spain, so it is worth everything for that desire and I encourage you to do so with sincere gratitude for your extraordinary work,” he concluded.