The educational sector and women pulled employment, which in seasonally adjusted terms rose by 51,079 people


Social Security gained an average of 29,286 contributors in September (0.15%), below the growth registered in this month in 2021 (57,387 affiliates) and 2020 (84,013 employed), but above the advances experienced in September of the pre-pandemic period and the years 2017-2019, in which Spain created many jobs.

With this rebound in affiliates, driven by women and the gain in employment in Education before the start of the school year, the total number of contributors, in average values, stood at 20,180,287 people at the end of September, according to data published this Tuesday by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.

In seasonally adjusted terms, the number of Social Security contributors chained its seventeenth consecutive increase after adding 51,079 employed persons (0.2%) to the system, up to a total of 20,224,355 people.

The Ministry has also highlighted that 385,253 jobs have been created between January and September in seasonally adjusted values. Since August 2021, the month in which the pre-pandemic affiliation level was exceeded, employment has increased by 729,014 people.

The Department headed by José Luis Escrivá has emphasized that, despite the current uncertainty, the average number of affiliates for the first nine months of the year “is in line” with that of the 2017-2019 period, years of “great dynamism in the job”.

In the third quarter of the year, coinciding with the summer months, membership grew by a monthly average of 40,773 people, above the average for 2017-2019, when membership gains were 34,629.

In the last year, Social Security has gained 649,176 affiliates in average values ??(3.3%), most of them in the General Scheme (637,645 contributors), followed by the Special Scheme for Self-Employed Workers (RETA), with 9,988 newly employed (0 ,3%).

With this behavior of employment, the ratio between contributors and pensioners stands at 2.37.

The Ministry has also highlighted that the job creation process is being compatible with an improvement in its quality thanks to the positive impact that the labor reform is having after nine months in force (six of full validity).

Thus, according to the Department of José Luis Escrivá, in September the increase in affiliates with indefinite contracts accelerated, so that there are now more than two million more permanent than at the end of 2021, before the labor reform.

At the same time, affiliates with contracts of less than 30 days have been reduced in this period by 2.6 million people and the average duration of the contracts has increased by 51 days compared to the 2019 financial year.

The monthly increase in average affiliates in September was due exclusively to women, who added 61,352 contributors in the month compared to August (0.6%), compared to a decrease in employed men of 32,065 contributors (-0.3%).

Thus, at the end of September, the number of employed women reached 9,441,260 affiliates, while that of men stood at 10,739,028 contributors.

The average affiliation of foreigners, for its part, rose by 18,528 contributors in September, 0.7% compared to the previous month, reaching 2,456,019 employed persons.

By schemes, the General, the most numerous in the system, gained 28,981 average affiliates in September (0.17%), up to a total of 16,784,048 employed, while the Self-Employed Regime (RETA) added 2,427 affiliates (0.07 %), which placed the total number of self-employed contributors at 3,329,863.

Within the General Regime, Education led the greatest growth in employment at the start of the school year, gaining 61,212 contributors compared to August (7.1%), followed by administrative activities, which totaled 20,044 employees (1.4%) .

By contrast, the end of the summer campaign led to the loss of 36,279 and 33,443 affiliates in commerce and the hotel industry, respectively (-1.4% and -2.2%), leading the declines in employment. They were followed by the Public Administration, with 17,742 fewer contributors (-1.5%), and health activities, which lost 11,550 employed persons (-0.6%).

For its part, the Special Agrarian System gained 23,001 jobs in the ninth month of the year (3.5%) and the Home System registered 2,366 casualties (-0.6%).

The Ministry underlines that the growth in enrollment compared to the level prior to the pandemic is almost generalized by sector. In addition, this rebound in membership has been “particularly intense” in innovative and value-added sectors, including information and communications (17.7%), Education (13.1%) and scientific-technical activities (9.5 %).

Likewise, Social Security indicates that, geographically, the increase in the level of affiliation is also generalized, with notable growth, in the last year, in the Balearic Islands (8.9%), the Canary Islands (6.9%), Madrid (4.3 %), Catalonia (3.9%) and the Valencian Community and La Rioja (3.6% in both cases).

In monthly terms, the growth of the monthly affiliation in Madrid stood out, with an increase in the average employed population of 45,272 employed persons (1.2%), followed by Catalonia (20,602 affiliated persons, 0.6%) and the Canary Islands (12,532 employed persons, 1 ,5%). The biggest setbacks, on the other hand, were recorded by the Balearic Islands (-15,014 contributors, -2.5%) and Andalusia, with 9,310 affiliates less than in August (-0.3%).

On the other hand, the Ministry has reported that workers in ERTE for economic, technical, organizational or production reasons (ETOP) stood at an average of 18,350 in the third quarter, below the 25,519 in the first.

In total, at the end of September there were 21,369 workers in ERTE, of which 18,666 were in an ERTE-ETOP; 1,352 in an ERTE due to force majeure, and 1,351 in the sectoral ERTE for travel agencies.

The Ministry has also indicated that one in two ERTE workers is partially suspended.