To make the sport his profession, the practice is essential, but it is not enough: there are courses that open up a range of opportunities. The trick is to be formed. Explanations.
For access to the sports professions, two routes are possible: the university and its subsidiary Staps (sciences and techniques of physical and sporting activities) or the national Institute of sport, expertise and performance (Insep). Located in the bois de Vincennes in Paris, the school has signed agreements in sport-studies with several universities to allow its students to follow a curriculum while training in their discipline.
Licence Staps: what route?
The chain Staps is proposed in a sixty universities. In the program: the theory and practice of APS (physical and sports activities), life sciences (biology, anatomy, physiology…), sciences of man and society (history, sociology…). Not to mention a foreign language, and computer science.
Before entering into the third year, it is necessary to choose one of the five proposed courses: “adapted physical activities and health”, to provide guidance on physical activity and sport participation of the elderly or people with disabilities, for example; “education and motivity”, way of teaching, allowing them to continue in the master and prepare the competition for the Capeps (certificate of aptitude for the teaching profession of physical education and sport); “sports management”, industry leading management organizations, merchant (shop, sports, events sports etc.) or non-market (federations, sports associations…); “sports training” in order to implement programs and conduct training sessions; and finally, “ergonomics of sport and motor performance” leading to careers in the design of sports equipment or leisure with original equipment manufacturers, or research centers. Attention, this last course is not offered in all universities.
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For athletes made, it is better not to rely on the practice to catch up, it only accounts for a third or even a quarter of the program, according to the facs. Other opportunities are possible after the master’s degree, or even as soon as the licence, in the fields of management, recreation, health, tourism, etc.
credentials State: specialize
The chain has its own degrees, to the image of the many patents of State. The BPJEPS (patent professional youth, popular education and sport) enables to exercise the profession of facilitator, instructor or sports instructor in a thirty sports. The entry in the BPJEPS is not subject to school requirements. On the other hand, a good level of sports practice is necessary for the entry into the training course (selection tests). Each organization has its own educational methods. The curriculum is based on the principle of alternation.
The holders of the DEJEPS (State diploma of youth, popular education and sport) are involved as coordinators for different audiences, in a variety of professional backgrounds: associations, social structures… It is necessary to be holder of BPJEPS animation to access the training that takes place over a year. The candidates have the choice between two specialties: “animation socio-educative or cultural” or “development of sport”, a speciality with 80 mentions (boxing, mountain BIKING…).
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The DESJEPS (State diploma of higher youth, popular education and sport) the form of association executives, sports club and top-level coach. The input in training is conditioned by the selection tests. As the DEJEPS, the DESJEPS has two specialities and a large choice of references. What find her happiness!