So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expense
TUESDAY (Dagbladet) When many are talking about a before-and-after-Petter Northug as a dramatic shift for English, of course, they have good reasons for it. No Norwegian langrennsløper has ever given more constant attention to their sport. Without the Circus Northug is the sport that starts the season today, definitely completely different.
Simply put:
Less Northug, less fun.
along the Way in all these years, his various whims split hjemmepublikummet, but the effects have been there anyway. Petter Northug was in the ten years skiing the best poster.
And deserve all of the thanks for it.
HOW the sport is hereafter to acquire just as much publicity, is becoming a challenge.
‘d destroyed for Northug
But since Petter is already in place on the åpningsrennene as Skiforbundets sponsor with the sunglasses, the reason to look a little clearer on what the sport is missing without him in the slot.
It is certainly not the money.
FOR a few weeks ago associated with Adresseavisas commentator Northug exit with the challenges in the sport’s priorities of width:
– Now we see what Northug really meant was the title of a case with an important perspective.
But the figures for this concern was crooked. It overvurderte if possible, Petter Northugs role in the Norwegian sport of skiing.
LIKE is easily done in the quest for an ancient’s the crowd favourite. At this week was Northug again closely linked to the development of the ski economy.
Better to lose a little in the OLYMPICS
Petter Northug who revolutionized cross country skiing was, of course, important also for the money that rislet of the sport ahead of the world CHAMPIONSHIPS in Oslo 2011. With by to give him a dominant space in these financial statements, disappears the necessary understanding of what is required to continue to fund the national sport now that Northug is definitely there.
If the understanding needs to be the sport’s joint money really disappear with Peter.
NOW , it is more money than ever. When Petter Northug broke with the national team in the spring of 2013, was the annual markedsinntektene of a little over 67 million. In the five subsequent seasons with Petter as privatløper, increased the league’s revenue to a consistent level of 85 million. Thus simply no negative effect even if the biggest star was only to sponsorenes use for a few months each winter.
the Noise changes nothing
The same image comes as jim’s career is being phased out. This season get Skiforbundets record high 92 million in sponsor money. And the next year completely without Northug, puts cross-country skiing, a new record again.
Then markedsinntektene of over 95 million.
WHY happens to this revenue growth after the most publicized runner has added up? Mostly because so idrettssponsing rarely is associated with up to enkeltløpere. Person Petter Northug was in itself never decisive for those who pay for the sport.
The most interesting for them is the reputation of the teams. Where are girls most importantly; just as the growth in sponsorinntektene also must be seen in the context of women’s increasingly strong position as consumers.
that is How it skijentene around Marit Bjørgen and Therese Johaug that in all these years has meant the most to increase joint revenue. Skijentenes reputation has in this period remained high at around 60 per cent positive.
Pregnant Bjørgen became the testing ground
THE negative markedseffekten of the difficult issues along the way that astmadebatt and violations of dopingregler, has been very short-lived. In the fresh omdømmemålingen is skijentene back at a record high level. Then it is natural that your earnings are now rising.
The same sponsorinteressen for the girls will find you again on it is also increasing the market for international turrenn. The focus on the Ski Classics has come up throughout 35 different profflag. Five of them are Norwegian, and where have the sponsors asked for a clearer kvinnesatsing.
The reigning champions on the team to the Aukland brothers Anders and Jørgen have taken the consequences of it. When the Team of office and warehouse Property in the go opened the season, it was with two new girls on the team. Thea Krokan Murud and Emilie Fleten is taken from the common Norwegian rekruttlandslaget to take up the competition with the best turløperne in a nivåmessig strong, but too thin eliteklasse for women.
MANAGE the major turrennene to put together broader kvinnefelt, is there any way to further revenue growth is also there. Not at least if the Norwegian broadcasting corporation after having lost a lot of the TV rights in the world cup, shifting the focus to more focus on the Ski Classics.
no Matter it is to understand the importance of a better gender balance if you want to finance toppidretten.
In cross country, the girls that ensures the largest incomes.
most TV viewers miss not the Petter Northug
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