The Tax agency is calling at least twelve-thousand people to help you with your income tax return by 2019, reports the Government on Tuesday. In a virus-free time period, these folks visit on the revenue enquiry centres, but that is due to the coronacrisis is not possible.

The group of twelve-thousand people are receiving this week a letter from the tax office.

It’s going to be people who have already had an appointment, had to stand in at the office if you need help with the tax return. It will be a respite until the end of september. In this group we need your help to do a simple tax return that has already been completed by the Tax authorities.

The appointment is for a basic tax return forms, one-third of the total number of people who have an appointment. The tax office is still investigating whether the rest of the group, with more complex questions, including telephone help. People with questions on location, to be able to help, it is not well known.

as of This year, according to the Irs, nearly 3 million people in the deferral of their tax returns received, compared with 2.7 million in the previous year. This increase is in large part due to all who, this year, asked for help, and automatically delay until the end of september.