The taxpayers can as soon as this Thursday, to assess the impact of tax reforms using this tool put in place by the government.

All French taxpayer can now assess the impact of the tax reforms decided by the government on its purchasing power over the next few years, announced the ministry of the Action and of the public accounts.

The simulator, posted on , will allow everyone to know “there will be declines in housing tax and social security contributions which will take effect starting in 2018,” writes the ministry in a press release.

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taxpayers can also calculate their potential gains in purchasing power next year, 2019, and on any the duration of the quinquennium.

gains of purchasing power for 6 out of 10 households

To perform this simulation, it is necessary to obtain the last amount of its property tax, its income tax reference as well as the number of units that make up his household.

The government has decided to phase out the property tax for 80% of households, with an initial drop of 30% expected in 2018 in the finance bill. Added to this is a reduction in social contributions.

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The fee tv “will not go away,” says Franck Riester France is (still) the EU country with the highest taxes in 2018, 95% of taxpayers will pay less income tax next year, provides Darmanin

According to the ministry, with these measures, “as of next year, more than six out of ten households will benefit from gains in purchasing power, which will rise to 864 euros on average by the end of the quinquennium”.