The board of directors of Técnicas Reunidas has proposed the appointment of Silvia Iranzo, Secretary of State for Commerce in the second legislature of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, as the company’s new independent director.
This is stated in the call for the next meeting of shareholders of the engineering company, which will take place on June 28 and in which the re-election and appointment of Alfredo Bonet and José Nieto de la Cierva as independent directors will also be voted.
Silvia Iranzo has a degree in Economic and Business Sciences and a Commercial Technician and State Economist since 1987. She is an independent director of Indra, director of the Institute of Directors and Administrators, member of the editorial board of the Economists magazine, professor of economics at the University College of Financial Studies (Cunef), and professor of economics at the Institute of Stock Market Studies (IEB).
She has also been an independent director of Tecnocom, ambassador of Spain in Belgium, Secretary of State for Trade, president of ICEX Spain Export and Investment, president of Invest in Spain, head of Country Risk at the Bank of Spain, and member of the board of management of Banco Exterior UK, Cesce, and Telefónica Internacional, among others.
The shareholders’ meeting of Técnicas Reunidas will also approve the annual accounts for last year, the proposal for the application of the 2021 result and will set the number of members of the board of directors at twelve.