The Colombian Attorney General’s Office has reported the arrest of ten of the eleven police officers who are involved in the murder of three young people in the municipality of Chocó, in the department of Sucre, on July 25.

“In just 28 days, the Attorney General’s Office clarified the murder of three young people”, highlighted the Attorney General’s Office, which has announced the issuance of a red Interpol circular to achieve the arrest of the agent who remains unaccounted for, the Colonel Benjamín Núñez, who is believed to have fled abroad.

“The young people were presented as neutralized by the uniformed men.” However, the Prosecutor’s Office showed that the events did not happen as they were told by the agents, according to the evidence collected, as well as by the autopsies of the victims.

The Prosecutor’s Office has announced that the detainees will go to court, while the new Defense Minister, Iván Velásquez, has promised “zero impunity” and to act with the greatest “speed”.

The events occurred on July 25 in the district of Sincelejo. Witnesses have assured that the person responsible for the murders was Colonel Núñez, who along with the rest of the accused tried to pass off the victims as members of a group of hit men from the Clan del Golfo.