Has your RESUME!!! The companies plan to nearly 2 million people this year, according to the annual survey “the Needs of manpower of the enterprise”, published on 19 April by the Pôle emploi. It is nearly 150,000 employment opportunities additional compared to 2016 (+8.2 per cent).
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of Course, all positions are not synonymous of stability: 39,2% of them are seasonal (as shown in the fourth column of the chart). But a majority of them are IDUS (58%). And for some companies could struggle to find the ideal candidate…
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The hiring intentions are concentrated in the services. Services to individuals together with 40% of hiring intentions and business services in to collect a quarter. The outlook in the construction industry (5% of the recruitment projects) is also progressing significantly in 2017 (+22,5%) confirming the trend observed in 2016 (+12.4 per cent). The amount of manpower needed in industry (8% of the projects) were up 8.7% in 2017, after an increase of 2.6% over the last year.
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In 2017, the recruitment focus primarily in the major cities: Paris (120 279 projects), Toulouse (33 442) and Bordeaux (32 748). And in small and medium-sized enterprises: less than 10 employees, account for nearly half of all recruitment projects (45.9 per cent).