the Employees should go back to the office. At least, not in dribs and drabs. That has, of course, a lot of on-the-ground: the protocols, traffic patterns and the needs of the employees. Where do you start? We also asked for a communication expert, a social psychologist, as well as a floor designer to get ideas for a coronaproof office.

to create A session, to organize, in which you ask how, they, this, for them, is a good way to start, according to Leonne van de Ven, owner of a communications agency with The Wolves.

“Find out what it takes to make your office coronaproof to make the disinfection, the routing, the demands of the workplace… and for the fulfillment of the foregoing employees. Who, what and when to clean? How are you going to be at lunch time or in different calls, in a confined space?”

you can Manage the expectations that say, “Be careful what frames are, and what their sphere of influence to the ends. Explain clearly what decisions need to be made, and the reasons why.” And it offers perspective as well. “Please indicate which of the rules in relation to any period of time,” says social psychologist Carla van Lier says. “Be as transparent as possible to the action, and when the loosening may take place.”

“it is what the frames are, and where their influence ends,”

Leonne van de Ven

there is no need to take the wheel off again to find it. As you will find, for example, in more than 150 models for various industries. Along with the input and desires of your employees, you will come to a set of events.

Before the first workers to come to the office…

You coronaplan is clearly communicated, both personally and by e-mail. But how do you make sure that it is, in practice, to actually land at all? “The power is in the repetition,” says Van de Ven.

“take Care, therefore, that the arrangement in several different ways coming back. Please get a packet to its employees in order to prepare for it. Loud of the rules, with a personal video message, and then add a few small gadgets, such as hand gel and ontsmettingsdoekjes.”

“you can Be really creative: spray the outside of the floor may be cleaned with a high pressure water blast, in the shape of an arrow, or a pedestrian crossing. Inside, you can you project it with light.”

Helmich Jousma, floor designer

to Create the rules of the office visually: for Example, a uitleganimatie, and posters inside the building. Start an online coronapagina when you’re on a fixed-time updates. You will also be a Q&A due to unrest, the way to take it. Like, finally, a constant finger on the pulse of your employees, for example, by means of an online survey tool. Learn from it and adjust the action if necessary.”

in Addition, the floor has an important role to play in the support of the coronamaatregelen: with the routes and the delineation of the different areas of the workplace. According to Helmich Jousma, floor designer in the user Interface, you can make your own with a few simple and effective changes to make.

Changes a Beacon of personal space: make sure there is a visible circle of 1.5 feet all around the person’s chair, so that co-workers know where they can get. You should make use of a lot of people are already familiar with: for example, a pedestrian crossing as a route. Use of a material that closely matches your floor. For example, a carpet (instead of tape) for a snug look to it. Look for a contrast in colour or in light and in the dark, but don’t overdo it. Be creative: spray with a high pressure washer to the floor in the shape of an arrow, or a pedestrian crossing to be clean. Inside, you can you project it with light. However, there is a perfect coronaproof office

you can Also prepare everything to the very last detail for you will depend on the behavior of human beings. “There is a limited degree of influence,” says Van Lier.

According to the social psychologist, you do have a clear structure outline, you have to take responsibility as much as possible and to facilitate: “the fact That it is your role as a manager. Please make sure that all of the pesticides and their mugs, and drinkflesjes – more than enough to be present, make sure to plant sites instead of places, and facilitate lunch-and a bit of protection.”

in Addition, it is also a psychological form of security is important: “to Create an atmosphere in which concerns have been raised, and you can speak to the observance of the rules in a positive manner with a sense of humour, but without each other, and the lessons to be read. So, you give space to the employees, who are more anxious. To show you that you can’t take it seriously.”

and this is how the coronawerkplek of the future, it may be out of