the Second part of the books of the women entrepreneurs of Danièle Henkel, founder of the Quebec society of dermo-aesthetic that bears his name. A praise of authenticity.
The woman strong and determined as I am is born in the school yard. A victim of bullying, I’ve had times in my youth where I rebelled. The daughter of a jewish mother in a muslim country, without a father, I learned that the place in the sun, it does me the would not give, it was necessary that I make myself. Nicknamed the “wild horse”, the indomitable, I had to learn to defend myself with a smile.
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In my personal and professional relationships, I used to be very frank and direct. However, before my 40th birthday, my reactions were more emotional. I let myself be more often achieve by other. These episodes were short, but intense. I never wanted to ever hurt, but I hurt. Most often, the people closest to and that I was taking assent for granted. With time, I learned to recognize that everything is not black or white. There is always a space for discussion, in the respect of our differences.
The trust is built on transparency
The time, the setbacks, the failures have helped me gradually to draw my path towards wisdom. I understood that the truth and authenticity were necessary for my personal and professional success. My relationship with my business partners, for example, lasts for more than twenty years thanks to the mutual trust built on transparency.
When I wanted to have access to funding for an expansion project, I had to focus on the potential of this project, but also on my history. The idea was to create a network of franchises “Daniele Henkel to go”, a concept of facials are offered in pharmacy and combining three technologies, as well as the products of our cosmetic range. This innovative project required a major investment for the manufacturing areas and products, and the purchase of equipment. If I get this funding, this is not because I am a public personality, it is because they had confidence in the woman and the business woman.
Know state her disagreement
According to me, we can all say, it is the way of saying it that counts. As an employer, it is important to listen to the ideas and suggestions of various colleagues and partners. At meetings of the executive committee, for example, stocks are often offered by various departments and I happen to not be in agreement with this or that initiative. I strive each time to be aware of the sensitivities of each, the good will and work accomplished in order to state my disagreement very respectfully.
I am passionate about. When I witness injustice, or when subjects of society affect me, it can happen to me to express myself with passion. I am not disrespectful, just the Mediterranean ! This blood hot and boiling flowing in my veins to the surface again, and allows me to assert my disagreement or my indignation. I am true in my friendships and in my affairs. I’m a whole ! I can spend my turn in front of a business opportunity if I don’t feel an affinity with the people involved.
as the investisseure, I regularly receive proposals. I happened to find a product or a service that is extremely interesting, but decline because I had felt that the values and the vision of the person who wore it is not lined not with mine. Making money is not everything. If I have created my business and if I continue to invest in companies, it is because they are the reflection of what I am and the person that I want to continue to become, on the human plane, and ethics.
Get free from the gaze of others
Be authentic, what does that mean ? An example : during one of my first lectures-performances in front of an audience, I decided, since it began at 20 hours, to go on stage in evening dress. I wanted to demonstrate that to be elegant, funny, proud to be a woman, not hindered by anything, my credibility or my professional skills. What was my surprise to make me criticize by a small group of entrepreneurs : they found that I had not done honour to the image of women in business. That should have been that I was dressed in a pants suit, black or gray to have their blessing !
authenticity is also that : the acceptance of being oneself. Accept yourself, it is the freedom to be. This takes courage, daring, but above all, a deep tenderness first for oneself and then for others. It is also to be freed from the gaze of the other.
The power of choice
My deductible and my transparency to me-they sometimes hurt ? Certainly ! During business meetings, it happened to me not to be supported by my peers female especially when it came to talk of the assistance to the female and of the barriers that stands between us in terms of competition. Our gaze between women is often more virulent and severe.
being a successful woman, a media personality, which, moreover, expresses his opinions in the public space has led me to sometimes be judged or misunderstood. Sometimes, my company has been the subject of incompréhensiit and of jealousy, which has caused us to have to work even harder to continue to keep our position as a leader in front of the competition. I’m not the only one. Several entrepreneurs who are successful are facing the same challenges, which is unfortunate.
Be authentic, it is important to be aware that there is a possibility/risk of losing those that are not in phase with itself. I agree not to be part of one clan or another, because my freedom is my most precious possession and that I refuse to be the pawn or puppet of anyone.
The most beautiful gift of the human, that distinguishes us from the rest of the living world, it is the power to choose.
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Books entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs, if they stop to say : “I’m not doing this for the money,” “fear, an ally to the” contractor “to Be an entrepreneur, it is to be passionate”