They show “astonishment” to see that those who called them traitors are now competing to lead the party in a “Take it off, what do I wear”


The Somos Ciudadanos platform, critical of the current leadership of the ‘orange’ party, does not support the candidacy of the deputy secretary general, Edmundo Bal, to lead the formation, since in his opinion the entire Executive “is out of date” and “is not the solution to motivate neither the bases nor the electorate”.

Bal has announced this Friday his intention to present his candidacy, competing with Inés Arrimadas if she also applies. Ciudadanos will hold primaries on January 9 and 10 and, in accordance with the re-foundation documents approved by the party leadership, will bet on a two-headed model with a person in charge exclusively of the General Secretariat to take the reins of the organization and a different one, the spokesman, who will be his electoral poster.

However, this model still has to be endorsed by the militancy in the Extraordinary Assembly that will be held on January 14 and 15. In case of being validated, Bal will present himself for the position of spokesperson. Under the proposed two-headed model, he needs a running mate, but he doesn’t have a name at the moment.

For critics, the current leadership has lost “all credibility, internal and external,” and that includes Arrimadas, whose resignation they have already demanded, and his number two. In a statement collected by Europa Press and signed by the platform’s spokesman, Sergio García, who until September was the secretary of the Citizens’ Organization in Asturias, this sector maintains that the current leadership “is fighting, out of pure pride for not having done before, for being the ones who bury Ciudadanos”.

“If they had a minimum of commitment to the militancy, they would step aside and proceed to establish a calm and agreed relief,” they added, before lamenting “the lack of high-mindedness to have done what was necessary in a timely manner.” . “This reaffirms that we were right and that the Assembly should have been held as soon as possible”, since it is “the only legitimate body statutorily approved by all affiliates to mark our ‘road map'”.

“Inés, Edmundo and the entire management have once again made a blunder that will drag us down, and it won’t be because we haven’t told them,” they continued.

The Somos Ciudadanos platform has deepened its criticism of the refoundation process, which they have branded as “an invention of the national leadership to gain time, because it is already known that the final conclusions of the contributions of the participating affiliates and supporters have not been taken consider”.

In addition, they consider that “the facts have shown that (the members of the Executive) only intend to cling to the position of power granted by the Presidency of the party.”

“We are amazed at how salvapatrias, downtrodden by their regional electoral results, claim a sterile victory for their arguments from two years ago in the leadership confrontation,” they pointed out, censuring that “others who called them traitors” are now fighting for the leadership of the project “and without contributing innovative ideas, just the simple fact of ‘you take off, that I put on'”.