On June 1, the general meeting of the Elecnor Group company will pay a complementary dividend charged to the results of the 2021 financial year and to voluntary reserves of 0.301 euros gross, with an increase of 0.008 euros compared to that approved at the previous meeting in May after discounting the more than two million treasury shares held by the company.

Elecnor’s general shareholders’ meeting approved the distribution of a total dividend per share of 0.35 euros to be paid in cash, corresponding to the 2021 financial year, of which 0.059 euros per share were already distributed on account last December, for what remained was 0.293 euros per share to be distributed.

However, after discounting the shares that the company has in treasury stock, the shareholders will receive an additional 0.008 euros per share, with which a total of 0.301 euros gross will be distributed on June 1.

The Elecnor Group has indicated that, after applying the corresponding withholding of 19%, shareholders will receive 0.244 euros net per share. Currently, the group has 84,681,193 shares without treasury stock.