While the government is preparing to launch a plan of 500 000 training courses for job seekers, the CIDJ lists the occupations the most promising in terms of recruitment, for lower levels of qualification.

In France, two million job seekers do not have the level of bac”, warned in January the minister of Labour Myriam El Khomri. To increase their chances of finding work, the government has promised for 2016, 500 000 training courses aimed at the unemployed who are less skilled. The Centre d’information et de documentation jeunesse (CIDJ), an association responsible for advising young people about their orientation, has just released its annual guide to sectors that are recruiting. This year, his teams have focused on the jobs the carriers who could be targeted by the training plan.

The help at home – they work with children, seniors or people with disabilities – head of the “top 5”. According to estimates from France Strategy, an organization for the prospective attached to the Prime minister, and the ministry of Labour, 322 000 positions are to be filled by 2022, of which 159 000 creations in net, a record.

The qualification required is very low – 70% of employees have no diploma, even if the level could rise with the creation of a bac pro or CAP. It will, however, “years before you make a real change in the physiognomy of the sector,” observes Michel Tardit, coordinator of the guide of the CIDJ. The working conditions remain particularly difficult, with 70% of part-time and a number greater than the average of accidents in the workplace.”

A tendency to the elevation of the level of skill

The caregivers , other profession almost exclusively female, appear as the second job family to be the most creative of jobs, with 233 000 available positions, including 130 000 replacements of retirements. The level of qualifications is higher than in the auxilliaire life, since it is necessary to hold a State certificate for the exercise.

the Same trend in the vendors , in the third place of the ranking: 232 000 contracts could be filled in six years, with a premium to the profiles of qualified, the bac pro license. Conversely, “the positions that require less training, such as cashiers and / or employees for self-service, will not create employment over the period, said Michel Tardit. This tendency to the elevation of the level of competence is to be found in a lot of professions.”

trades always precarious

The hospitality also continues to hire round-arm. Job seekers could run for 117 000 employees and supervisors, as well as 107 000 contracts of cooks. But among the 237 000 recruitment projects identified by Pôle emploi 2015, 61,5% were seasonal. In fast food, where 5000 to 10,000 jobs seek-takers, “the branch boasts 91% of CDI, but 80% of part-time, warns Michel Tardit. Suffice to say that there are mostly student jobs.”

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The number of unemployed people trained who found a job has dropped Two unemployed attack the Pôle emploi for the “training bogus” 150 million euros in addition to the training of unemployed persons

The precariousness appears as queen in the last sector in the lead in new hires: the private security . 66% of hirings are on a temporary contract, depending on the branch, and the conversion rate in CDI maxes out at… 3%. Remains that 73 000 contract security officers or security will have to be borne by 2022, 65% in replacement of departures. The fear of the attacks could, however, strengthen the needs. “8000 to 10,000 recruitments are planned around the Euro 2016″, ” notes Michel Tardit. In addition to the curriculum as usual, a certificate of qualification professional (CQP) “monitoring officer major events” was created with a view in particular to recruit women.

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