The Council of Ministers has approved this Tuesday the Law for the Institutionalization of the Evaluation of Public Policies in the General Administration of the State, with the aim of strengthening, systematizing and giving stability to the analysis process of the various policies implemented by the State.

“It will allow us to make a qualitative leap in terms of the quality and effectiveness of public policies and improve accountability to citizens”, defended the Minister of Finance and Public Administration, María Jesús Montero, at the subsequent press conference to the Council of Ministers.

After the final approval of this public policy evaluation law by the Council of Ministers, the rule will be sent to the Congress of Deputies for its subsequent validation. The ‘approval’ of this regulation constitutes one of the milestones of Component 11 of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, related to the reinforcement of the evaluation system of public policies.

The main elements contemplated by the new regulation are the creation of a new state agency or the establishment of a stable evaluation planning mechanism for the entire General State Administration, for which a system of common indicators will be designed. In addition, it is intended to reinforce the ‘ex ante’ evaluation, prior to the approval of public policies, and it is intended to use the results of the evaluations to improve those policies.

According to Montero, the law has been “greatly accepted” in the public hearing process and he hopes that it will be “continued” by the autonomies and city councils in favor of the transparency that the mobilization of public resources requires.