So far this legislature, the transfer of powers to the Basque Country account for almost 40% of all transfers


The Government of Pedro Sánchez has transferred a total of 21 powers to nine autonomous communities so far in the XIV Legislature, eight of them to the Basque Country, representing almost 40% of all transfers. On the contrary, there are ten regions that have not achieved any competition since this Executive was launched.

Specifically, since the coalition government legislature began in January 2020, the Basque Country has assumed powers such as the management of Penitentiary Institutions, the Minimum Vital Income, Road transport or school insurance health benefits, among others.

The rest of the transfers to the Basque Autonomous Community are the pre-retirement aid for workers affected by EREs, the enforcement of legislation on pharmaceutical products, the ISSN international bibliographic code and the Ondarroa Maritime District building.

In total, the Basque Government has eight more powers in these almost three years, while there are eight communities and two autonomous cities that have not assumed any transfer since the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government, despite the fact that the Ministry of Politics Territorial has indeed approached positions with some of them.

The second region that has assumed the most powers in recent years has been the Valencian Community, with three new transfers: the expansion of assets in matters of nature conservation; the expansion of the patrimonial means in terms of architectural heritage, control of the quality of construction and housing and the management of the tax on the deposit of waste in landfills.

After the Valencian Community is Catalonia, which in this legislature has assumed two powers, the expansion of the provision of material and economic means for the operation of the Administration of Justice and the management of the tax on the deposit of waste in landfills.

In the case of Catalonia, the Government continues to negotiate with the Generalitat to materialize other transfers such as the scholarship competition, the management of the Minimum Vital Income and public buildings of the State.

The last transfer that has just materialized has been with the Balearic Islands, that of the Coastal jurisdiction, a transfer that has also occurred in the last year with the Government of the Canary Islands. The executives of the archipelagos have also assumed during this legislature the management of the tax on the deposit of waste in landfills.

This transfer in tax matters on the new tax has also been transferred to Galicia and Andalusia, while in the Community of Madrid the transfer of means in the field of health care materialized.

For its part, the Foral Community of Navarra received the power of prison health in September 2021, a management that has already been implemented in the Basque Country for several years.

According to figures published by the Ministry of Territorial Policy, from 1978 to 2021 there have been a total of 2,008 transfers to autonomous communities and cities, with Catalonia being the most benefited from these transfers, having assumed 190 powers since that year.

It is followed by Andalusia, with 155 transfers; Galicia, with 154 transfers; Valencian Community, with 134 transfers, and the Basque Country, with 117 transfers.

Between the years 2015 and 2017 there was no transfer to any autonomous community, and it was already in 2018 with the arrival of Pedro Sánchez at La Moncloa when the transfers were resumed, with two to the Basque Country.