The spokeswoman says that she is “disgusted” by the case of Tito Berni but maintains that the PSOE acts forcefully and the PP does not


The government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, has charged this Monday against the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, whom she has reproached for his photograph on the yacht of the drug trafficker Marcial Dorado, in addition to asking him to clarify if he receives bonuses from his party. In this way, she has defended that PSOE and PP do not act in the same way in cases of corruption, since in her opinion the Socialists act forcefully and the PP does not.

Rodríguez has made these statements when questioned about the situation of the ‘Mediator’ case and in particular about the possible search of the office of the former PSOE deputy, Juan Bernardo Fuentes Curbelo, one of the main parties involved in the alleged corruption plot. She has also assured that she is “disgusted” by the behaviors of the plot that have been known, which include parties with prostitutes and drug use.

In statements to Telecinco, he has indicated that he cannot give details about the registry of the office and has limited himself to showing the confidence of the Government in the Police and in the judges. He expects, therefore, that “all the procedures that involve this type of action” are complied with, according to what he has transferred. In addition, he has affirmed that he shares the feeling of the citizenry towards this matter, in his opinion of “disapproval and disgust.”

Immediately afterwards, however, he wanted to make it clear that PP and PSOE are not the same and do not act in the same way in cases of corruption. Rodríguez has defended that his party has disapproved and expelled those who have participated in this matter and has reproached the PP for not doing the same in cases that affect its ranks. “Other political parties cannot say the same,” he pointed out.

At this point, he has charged against Feijóo by indicating that he “was spending the summer and shared a yacht with a drug trafficker”, in reference to Marcial Dorado, a fact that for the spokesperson for the Executive is “as reprehensible” as the case of deputy Fuentes Curbelo.

Thus, he has indicated that public responsibility implies exemplarity and this type of behavior, in reference to Feijóo “would prevent someone from continuing to participate in public life” in any European country, he has launched.

Along the same lines, he has demanded that the opposition leader clarify whether he is receiving bonuses or assets from his party since Feijóo “has the obligation to comply with the rules of the Chamber” and give explanations, he has assured.

On the other hand, Isabel Rodríguez has also accused the PP of not acting forcefully against the corrupt, recriminating that the mayoress of Marbella, Ángeles Muñoz, who is also a senator of the PP, continues to occupy her parliamentary seat when she has to explain “where took 12 million euros” from his assets.

Finally, he has once again reproached Feijóo for the fact that the former Minister of the Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz -for whom the Prosecutor’s Office is asking for 15 years in prison- continues to be a member of the PP despite being involved in the ‘Kitchen’ plot that he allegedly used State means to cover up corruption, as he has remarked.

“I did not want to refer to ‘and you more’. I mean ‘and I different’. It is that the Popular Party does not act with the forcefulness that the PSOE does,” he insisted.