The Minister of Finance and Public Function, María Jesús Montero, assured this Wednesday that the Executive will continue with measures to lower the price of fuel “while the circumstances of cost increase persist” and has defended the usefulness of the discount of twenty cents in gas stations “which has caused a decrease in the bill for both regular users and companies”.
“While the circumstances of the cost increase persist, the Government will continue to accompany it with measures,” confirmed the minister in an interview on Cadena Ser, collected by Europa Press, in which she explained that it was adopted to apply this discount for three months ” to see how prices evolve. “The markets are being volatile and, therefore, if the circumstances persist, the Executive will continue to accompany it with measures,” she reiterated.
In this context, Montero recalled that the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) resolved that the bonus for cents, which began on April 1, “has caused a decrease in the bill for both regular users and for the companies”. Of course, the head of the Treasury has recognized that crude oil prices “are not evolving” at the international and European level as the Executive would like.
However, the minister explained that this discount could not be maintained over time, which is why she advocated “combating inflation” and “accompanying families”. If maintained, Montero explained, it would be with “more selective” measures for those groups “who are most in need.”
Asked about the reduction of VAT on feminine hygiene products, which the Ministry of Equality wanted to promote in the reform of the abortion law, the minister has defended that the “elaboration of the fiscal part” must be designed by the Treasury to give ” legal certainty to the rules”.
In this sense, Montero has defended that his department “has not been against” lowering VAT from 10% to 4% on these products and has assured that this reduction will be carried out “throughout the legislature” because it was a commitment of the coalition government and the PSOE in the electoral program. “All in good time”, he has settled.