Associations regretted not being able to use real weapons with blank ammunition because the representation loses realism
The Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court (TS) has rejected the appeal filed by associations that make historical representations against the reform of the Arms Regulations carried out by the Executive, understanding that the current technique allows battles to continue to be represented “with full plausibility”.
The magistrates thus condemn the Historic-Cultural Association ‘The Royal Green Jackets’ and the ‘Screaming Eagles 101 Easy’ Association for costs -5,000 euros-, which considered that this new regulation -which adapts the Spanish standard to the European — negatively affected weapons that are often used in historical re-enactment. They criticize the prohibition of the use of real weapons with blank ammunition.
“The Regulation totally affects any weapon capable of firing two or more cartridges, whether real, blank, and even disabled weapons. It also affects the general use of imitations, bladed weapons, and weapons with noise effect using oxypropane. “, they pointed out from these associations.
They also regretted that this new regulation alters the possibility of the use of certain weapons in recreations and film shootings, and limits the acquisition of firearms by reenactors. “To date (…) historical reenactors could use weapons in perfect working order with blank ammunition. Representations that have happened without incident and without affecting public safety at any time,” they added.
And they stressed that with the normative modification the possibility of using those weapons –the real ones– that provided greater “realism and historical fidelity” is eliminated.
The Supreme Court ruling recalls that the European Directive was adapted “due to the terrible attacks in Paris in 2015, in which terrorists transformed blank or disabled weapons into weapons with lethal capacity.”
And it makes the appellants ugly, who wanted to be able to use real weapons in analogy to those used in hunting and Olympic shooting, who seem to forget that in Spain the regulation establishes that each type of weapon is acquired and used for a specific activity.
In addition, he recalls that there is a “strong” administrative intervention on the possession of weapons due to its danger and adds that the protection of society prevails over private interests. “Of course, the significant number of people involved in historical recreations, in the open air, entail a real risk regarding the use and custody of real firearms,” ??the magistrates indicate.