job seekers are the main beneficiaries of the account staff training, which, in contrast, is little used by the employees. The ministry of Labour says it is happy about this new device.
On the 150 000 training under the personal account of formation (CPF) obtained from the beginning of the year, 78% were job seekers and 22% by employees. The device, which goes up in power, was replaced in January, the individual right to training (DIF), which had mainly to employees.
information gap in the small business
According to the ministry, which expects a “re-balancing” term, several factors explain this trend reversal. First, job seekers are receiving funding from the Fund joint making career paths secure (FPSPP), which abounds to their account of 100 hours when they have a training project.
At the employees, however, “it takes a little time for companies to take ownership of the CPF, to build projects of training,” explains the ministry. It also highlights a lack of information in some firms: “In those of over 150 employees, where there is a HR department, a training strategy, employees are familiar with the CPF”, but “in the smaller, one still has a problem of appropriation of communication.”
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>> Read also: The personal account of formation (CPF) escapes there to the employees?
Last brake: most of the joint Bodies approved collectors (Opca), significant funders of vocational training, are not yet connected to the computer system of the CPF. “A dozen (over 20) will be connected by the end of the year, and then almost all will be by June,” says the same source.
good report from the government
The rank of the satisfactions, the ministry focuses on the quality of the training CPF. Their average duration is of 481 hours (155 for the employees, 571 for job seekers), compared to only 22 hours for the formations DIF. The mechanism of the PFC has a “multiplier effect,” says-t-on rue de Grenelle: it is capped at 150 hours, but “when they are not enough, it can be paid for by the companies and the Opca for the employed, by sector of employment, the social partners and the Regions for job seekers”.
>> Read also: personal Account of training (CPF): the answers to your questions
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personal Account of training
How to pass his driving licence at a lower cost The personal account of training is unknown in 52% of the employees “My account training” : the gamble of the government
the cornerstone of the act of 2014 on vocational training, the CPF accompanies each asset in the private sector throughout his career. In employment, it generates up to 150 hours of training that he can then mobilize even during his periods of unemployment. The first hours acquired under the CPF will be credited “in march 2016”, announces the ministry. In the meantime, it is possible to transfer its hours DIF not consumed.