Tellado believes that the PSOE “will pay at the polls” for the “consequences of all this”, first in the May elections and then in the general elections


The Deputy Secretary of Organization of the PP, Miguel Tellado, has accused this Monday the Chief Executive, Pedro Sánchez, of “emboldening” the independence movement, which is already trying to modify the crime of embezzlement. In his opinion, the steps of the President of the Government show that “he has no limits” and this behavior will be “paid” by the PSOE at the polls.

“Today we also see that the intention or claim of the nationalists to also modify the crime of embezzlement is added. But are there no limits? I think this is not the way. Of course we have a Prime Minister who governs by dictation of Otegi and Junqueras and that had never happened in this country”, Tellado declared.

In an interview on RNE, which Europa Press has picked up, the PP leader has pointed out that the latest statements by Otegi and Junqueras congratulating him that Sánchez does what they want “certifies” that for the President of the Government “everything is for sale in Spain and everything can be sacrificed for the sake of your personal ambitions.

The leader of the PP has stressed that Pedro Sánchez “is marked by independence in Spain and is governed by the dictates of Junts, ERC and Bildu”, something that, in his opinion, is “tremendously bad” for Spain and they cannot allow. In addition, he has indicated that the Executive’s argument that it must be standardized with other European countries is a “big lie” because there “the penalties for sedition are even greater.”

“The rule of law cannot be trivialized and I believe that Sánchez is taking a very dangerous path, which is to trivialize the rulings of the Supreme Court and empty the Supreme Court of authority”, he declared, to emphasize that Justice “is not to use and throw away” and the sentences “are not removable”.

In this sense, he has warned that “the courts of Justice cannot be vilified based on whether we like the sentence or not” or “the partners of the Prime Minister are interested”. “The attitude that Pedro Sánchez is adopting is quite unfortunate and I know that many barons of the PSOE do not share it,” he assured, adding that those socialist positions “privately question” the path that the chief executive has taken.

Having said this, he has warned that “the consequences of all this will be paid by the PSOE at the polls, first in the municipal and regional ones” and, later, in the general elections with the departure of the Pedro Sánchez government.

“I think that Pedro Sánchez is destroying the rule of law in Spain and is destroying his own party, subordinating the Socialist Party to his personal interests,” declared the PP’s deputy secretary of organization.

As for whether he believes that the dialogue that the Government began with ERC has helped deflate the situation, Tellado has stated that “if something has deflated the situation in Catalonia, it is the rule of law and the application of the law”, something that, As he recalled, it was up to the Government of Mariano Rajoy “supported but halfway by the PSOE” in the application of article 155 of the Constitution.

In his opinion, what the Government of Pedro Sánchez is doing is “emboldening nationalism and saying that nothing is happening, that they can do it again because now it will not be a crime and that what they tried to do was public disorder, like a small fight that occurs at the exit of a football match”.

“That was not a public disorder. That was an attempt to put an end to the rule of law and the territorial integrity of Spain. I am not saying it, the Supreme Court rulings say it,” Tellado assured.

As he has insisted, Sánchez is “distorting democracy itself” in Spain with a “completely irresponsible” attitude based on “repealing crimes” to “benefit the partners who are going to support him” with the approval of the General State Budgets.

“If that is not disturbing the democracy of our country, I don’t know what is. It is an exercise of great irresponsibility that is going to cost the Government dearly, which is the least of it, and democracy, both its internal credibility and external”, he indicated.

Tellado has stressed that democracy cannot be “played” or “marketed”. “It is a bad image to see a President of the Government kidnapped and in the hands of ERC and Bildu and, in addition, he does it with pleasure, which is the saddest thing about all this,” he added.

As for whether this penal reform definitively lifts the bridges of dialogue between the Government and the PP, Tellado has indicated that the Government has chosen “with whom it wants to negotiate and agree and, of course, it is not the one with the main opposition party “.

“He prefers to agree with those who are willing to permanently challenge the territorial unity of our country,” he indicated, adding that these partners “do not believe in Spain” and see Sánchez’s “weakness” as “an opportunity” to fulfill their “wishes”. ” aimed at “converting certain historical nationalities into Taifa kingdoms”.

Given the summons that Cs has made to the PP so that Alberto Núñez Feijóóo presents a motion of censure, Tellado has stated that “the one who censures himself is Pedro Sánchez” because, as he recalled, he said that he would not agree with Podemos or with Bildu nor with the independence movement and in the end he did it.

“The one who amends himself and makes a permanent motion is Pedro Sánchez, who has earned the mistrust of the vast majority of Spanish society, beyond political colors,” he declared.

In addition, he has insisted that within the PSOE there is “a lot of territorial baron” who does not agree with what Sánchez is going to do, for which he has “the motion of censure within his own party.” “I think he is making a very serious mistake for Spain and for his own party, which is going to cost him the government in the next elections,” he added.

As for whether the PP is willing to take to the streets to protest this repeal of sedition, Tellado has indicated that the PP must “use all legal means” to “try to combat this delivery of the rule of law” in exchange of the “support of those who do not believe in Spain” to continue in Moncloa.