Gamarra criticizes that experts in the Trans Law and sedition are prevented from being heard and says that the PP will continue to fight at the Table


The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, this Friday accused the Prime Minister of “weakening” and “unprotecting” the constitutional and coexistence framework with steps such as the repeal of the crime of sedition or the approval of the Democratic Memory Law.

This has been pronounced in statements to the media in the days of open doors to citizens in Congress coinciding with the 44th anniversary of the Magna Carta, a period that, in his opinion, is marked by “democracy, the rule of law and political plurality.

However, he has assured that Spain is not experiencing its “best moment in defense of the constitutional framework”, after the Government has promoted regulations such as the Memory Law, which “wants to rewrite history” that took place with the Transition and the Constitution, of which the PP feels “enormously proud and satisfied”.

He has also alluded to the “express” debate that is taking place in Congress to repeal sedition, after the rejection this Thursday of the totality amendments. “It is not just any year because we are seeing, not the strengthening and defense of the constitutional framework, but its weakening through the emptying of the Penal Code”, he stated.

According to Gamarra, this Thursday the PSOE had an “opportunity to change the course it has chosen with the independentistas and it did not do so”, by voting against the amendment to the entire PP that proposed “typifying the illegal referendum and maintaining the crime of sedition” in the Penal Code.

After accusing Sánchez of not complying with the word he gave to the Spaniards in the electoral campaign, he has indicated that “hand in hand with the Government and the PSOE they are entering a path of weakening the protection of the Constitution.”

“The Constitution is celebrated, but it is also protected”, he asserted, adding that Spain lives “in a rule of law that is at a low point due to the colonization of the Executive branch with other powers. This is not the way forward”, has indicated.

In addition, Gamarra has denounced that the Government “is legislating behind closed doors in the Congress of Deputies” and has given the Trans Law as an example of this, a regulation that, in his opinion, is generating “a great social debate and a strong opposition from society.

“The coalition government has decided to prevent expert appearances from being held in the Lower House, and therefore society cannot intervene in the task of legislating, having a voice in the processing of this law and others,” he indicated, to complain that the same has happened with the debate on sedition because “no expert” has come to the Chamber “to analyze the consequences.”

According to Gamarra, society wants to participate in legislative texts and “has the right to do so.” For this reason, it has advanced that the PP will continue to “fight the battle” by presenting reconsideration writings to the Table to guarantee that this right is fulfilled, avoiding that the parliamentary majority of the Government and its partners “prevent” it.

Finally, he thanked Adolfo Suárez for his work in the parliamentary group and on the Congress Table, as well as his way of carrying it out. “His figure of him has been very important this legislature,” he said, adding that there has not yet been a decision made on who will occupy his position in the governing body of the Chamber.