The PP has registered an initiative in Congress asking the coalition government to renege on its agreements with pro-independence parties in order to protect Spanish institutions.

It is a non-legal proposal collected by Europa Press for debate and voting in the Commission for the audit of democratic quality, known as the ‘anti-corruption commission’ of Congress.

As the PP argues, “the extension of the power of the Executive, the political colonization of the institutions, the erosion of individual liberties or the self-absorption in the internal problems of a divided government are some of the causes of the deterioration of the democratic quality”.

“The Government of Pedro Sánchez is occupying all the independent institutions and this desire for control is causing enormous discredit to our country outside our borders, especially in the European Union, and it is necessary to reverse it,” he maintains.

As an example, he cites the National Intelligence Center (CNI), reproaching the Government for the “sudden dismissal” of Paz Esteban for what he considers “separatist pressures” after the controversy over espionage with ‘Pegasus’, as well as the news about agent departures of the CNI; Civil Guard and Police of Catalonia, the Basque Country and Navarre.

“It is evident that the agents of the State Security Forces and Corps annoy the pro-independence supporters of the Government precisely because they are in charge of containing any challenge to the State – underlines the PP -. And far from showing firmness in the face of such requests intolerable, Sánchez had no qualms about giving what separatism wants”.

In his opinion, “Pedro Sánchez is capable of twisting the institutions and decomposing the image of Spain in order to ensure its continuity” in the Moncloa Palace and urges him to “respect the independence of State institutions, essential pillars to elevate the democratic quality of Spain”.

And in addition, the Popular Group wants the coalition government to “cease its policy of surrendering the State to the independence movement, which is causing so much damage to the independence of our institutions, damaging the quality of our democracy and violating our constitutional values.”