Bendodo says that with this “botch” of law, sexual crimes “come out cheaper” than before and insists on requesting the dismissal of Montero


The general coordinator of the PP, Elías Bendodo, has demanded that the institutional advertising of the “only if yes” law be withdrawn in the tenth national lottery on Saturday, November 26. In addition, he has once again asked the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, for the dismissal of the Minister for Equality, Irene Montero, and to stop “the nonsense” of the ‘only yes is yes’ law, which is a “real botch “legislative.

In a press conference at the PP headquarters after the meeting of the party’s management committee chaired by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Bendodo assured that Sánchez “laughs at all Spaniards including in a lottery tenth” that publicity of the law of ‘only yes is yes’.

“You have to have little shame to advertise in a lottery tenth a law that puts rapists on the street, when it is these who are winning the lottery,” exclaimed the PP leader, who believes that putting that publicity in the lottery is “a shame” and an “release” that shows that the Executive gives “eight equal to eighty.”

Bendodo has once again summoned the President of the Government to dismiss the Minister of Equality, and “to stop the nonsense” of a Law for which Spain is being an international shame. In his opinion, the person responsible for not acting in this matter is Sánchez himself

The general coordinator of the PP has also asked that the “attacks” on the Judiciary by the Government cease. “The magistrates are perplexed by the insults they are receiving. There are three judges in the Executive: Are they not going to say anything? Are they fachas in toga?”, he asked, referring to the ministers Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Pilar Llop and Daisy Robles.

Bendodo has highlighted that with this law, which he calls an “insult to the victims”, sexual crimes “come out cheaper” than before it came into force due to the effect of the legislative “botch” of this Government.

In addition, the leader of the PP has appealed to the vote in conscience of the deputies of the “authentic PSOE” and that they take advantage of the “golden opportunity” this week to distance themselves from “sanchismo” on Wednesday in the Senate with the Law of yes is yes, supporting the PP motion in the Senate.

After criticizing that the Government has “entrenched itself” in “arrogance and arrogance”, he has assured that the PP shares “the extreme concern” of the Spaniards and “the pain and indignation of the victims”.

“Right now he has nothing more urgent to do than modify this law to solve this botch and he can count on the responsibility of the PP,” he said, adding that the law of ‘only yes is yes’ is a “monster of ideological sectarianism “.

After assuring that the PP cannot attend the departure of dozens of rapists as a “passive spectator”, he has indicated that the PP will present its own proposal for a law that “guarantees that sentences for rapists and aggressors are not lowered and irresponsible consequences are avoided ” that are being suffered at this moment with this “aberration of law”.