Bendodo sees “shameful counterparts” to Bildu in PGE such as ceding Traffic jurisdiction to Navarra to “hide” the Benemérita


On December 11, the Popular Party will attend the rally called by the Association of Victims of ETA Terrorism (ANVITE) and the Tomás Caballero Foundation, among others, in support of the Civil Guard after the budget agreement between the Government and Bildu.

In a press conference at the PP headquarters, after the meeting of the steering committee chaired by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, Bendodo denounced the “shameful counterparts” to Bildu in the General State Budgets (PGE), such as the transfer of the Traffic powers to Navarra to “hide the Civil Guard”.

Bendodo has assured that the Spaniards had a “very bad time” with the Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who “put his hand in the pocket of the Spaniards and they made them pay at the polls” but, in his opinion, Sánchez “did not He has only put his hand in his pocket but has touched their morale by giving a free hand to the Catalan independentistas and the heirs of ETA”.

The general coordinator of the PP has stressed that the Sánchez government is carrying out a “kamikaze” policy that, in his opinion, undermines the Constitution and the framework for coexistence. In his understanding, Spain is going through one of the worst moments of democracy.

Party sources have specified to Europa Press that there will be members of the national leadership of the PP in that concentration in support of the Civil Guard that has been convened by the Navarre Association of Victims of ETA Terrorism (ANVITE) and the Tomás Caballero Foundation together with other associations on December 11 at 12 noon in front of the Civil Guard headquarters in Pamplona.

According to these associations, the objective is “to give support to the Benemérita against the pact reached between the central government and the heirs of the murderous ETA gang, by which the Civil Guard is treated as a bargaining chip in budget negotiations, withdrawing their traffic jurisdiction -in Navarra-“.

The conveners of the concentration, in addition to the two entities mentioned, are Neighbors of Peace, Pompaelo Association, Navarra Civil Society, the Double12 Cultural Association, Recuperar Navarra, Ego Non and Association for Tolerance.

These entities consider “paradoxical and inadmissible that a party like Bildu, which has not yet condemned the execrable crimes of ETA and which counts members of said murderous gang among its ranks, is the one who has wrested from the Sánchez government this pact with which it intends to humiliate one of the State Security Corps that has suffered the most victims among its ranks and that has contributed the most to the police defeat of the terrorist band”.

“It is well-born to be grateful, and much more with those who have given their own lives to protect ours against the totalitarians who want to impose their exclusive nationalist project,” the associations added in a statement.

For this reason, they have asked the people of Navarra to “shake off their laziness and react before it is too late, participating en masse in this rally, and showing that Navarra is with the Civil Guard because we will always be in debt to it.”