The price of agricultural land has been further progress in the last year, reporting is often far greater than traditional investments. Locally the prices sometimes reach heights.

The appetite for the majesty of our French forests and the quality of our agricultural land continues to grow over the years. According to the Forest Company, a subsidiary of the Caisse des Dépôts, and the national Federation of societies for land development and rural settlement (Safer), the purchase of land and the average price of forest land increased respectively by 9 % and 2 % in 2016.

Sold, on average, 4 100 euros per hectare, the forests are experiencing major price disparities, the transactions recorded in the last year ranging from 670 to 12 040 euros per hectare ! It is in the north of the parisian Basin, they exchange the more expensive (€6 000 on average), and in the South-West and the Massif central that the hectare is the more affordable (€2 500).

Low average price growth of per hectare agricultural

As to the lands and meadows free not built, the average price in France was € 6 030 € per hectare, an increase of 0.4% compared to the previous year. For rented land, the price rise of 1.9 % to reach 4 550 euros per hectare. But these averages are not representative of local realities.

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there is indeed nothing in common between the price of a hectare of land in the Nièvre, which is 3 080 euros and the average price in the region of Champagne, which was slightly lower than in 2015 but will still be 1 113 500 euros. If you are dreaming grower, without having the means, it is necessary to waive the bubbles towards the areas of Frontonnais, where prices vary between 7 000 and 8 000 euros per hectare.