Entrepreneur, Marie Eloy has very early understood the importance of the network on the ground. It has been shown to be effective with Women of Brittany, which celebrates its five years.

The women entrepreneurs réseautent low : 53% of them have never belonged to a network (source: BNP Paribas), primarily because they equate this to a loss of time and that they do not feel they are necessarily legitimate.

Then, because it is necessary to recognise that networking is often realized early in the morning or late in the evening. Schedules are difficult to reconcile with an intense personal life and a mental workload that is still too often unbalanced when there are children : we are torn between family obligations and the desire to expand our business.

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However, it is in these moments of networking-formal or informal, that a large part of the business is played.

I remember the testimony of a woman, a former employee in a big group. She was exemplary at work and made a point of honor to finish among the last in the evening. Yet, she’s got less contracts than their male colleagues. On the eve of leaving the group, she is finally allowed to go to a gallery opening. She was appalled to find a good part of his colleagues. This is how they were of the number.

Whether one is an entrepreneur, employee or is a carrier of the project, to be anchored in its territory is essential to develop its business. Of course, it is necessary to do violence at the beginning, especially for the informal networking; Sandra The Great describes very well how to do it in her own books for entrepreneurs.

To be known and recognized on its territory, integrate a local area network is key. The only criterion that counts : feeling good with the desire to give to then receive.

A logical self-help

For my part, I would never have dared to push the door of a network. This is why I created the Women of Britain in 2014, today co-chaired by Elena Maneru. I dreamed of a network for all women regardless of their status : executive, unemployed, retired person, employed person, the carrier of an idea… A support network to create and expand his business.

the Women of Britain was originally a platform for the exchange of blows of thumb around entrepreneurship : “what do you think of my logo ?”, “I want to conduct a market study. Could you answer it ?” Very quickly, the members of the network have desired to meet in their city. I stepped on the brakes, explaining that there were other networks who were organizing such events. They responded “yes, but you want to find around our values of mutual assistance and kindness !” And the meetings have started.

The network is present in major cities as in the rural areas and the members themselves are the actors. What they appreciate ? Be able to come as they are, in rain boot or high heels, without fear of any judgement. By the end of November, the initiative becomes national, with the foundation to Undertake, and the support of AXA : it is called Women of the Territories.

Why a network feminine ? This is not a network for men, or a network to stay in hiding among us. The interest of a network feminine, whatever it is, is being able to identify each other when we still lacks a lot of examples of entrepreneurs around. See that those who look like us and face the same difficulties have managed to develop their business can encourage each other and say “why not me ?” Another interest of female networks : the authenticity. No need to say that one is the best. We can talk about his doubts and weaknesses.

the efficiency of The network micro-local

According to the firm Utopias, led by Elisabeth Laville, today 97% of what is produced in a small town in France is exported and, conversely, 98% of what is consumed is imported.

It is time to anchor the economy and to work together on the same territory. After five years of existence on Britain, we have found that the networking takes place in micro-local, at the scale of a city or a village, even if the pride is regional or national.

generally, in areas where support networks and mutual help, whether they are mixed or female, are linked and work in harmony, the journey of the entrepreneur is simplified and much more efficient. All too often, networks are seen as competitors or remain isolated from each other as to questions of image, race to the grants or to the partners.

this line of reasoning has no place today. The greater the energy flows within a single territory among the different networks, the more the returns are positive for entrepreneurs and the local economy.

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“The courage to say, is an asset in business” Entrepreneurs, if they stop to say : “I’m not doing this for the money,” “fear, an ally for the entrepreneur”

regardless of the network chosen (self-help, business…), a council : make yourself visible at conferences, contest, from institutional to local. It is first by and in the territories and the roles of mod&eserious;the build.