The minimum allocation wins only 0.7 per cent, to the chagrin of the unions. The reform measures will begin to be applied on the 1st of November.

on The 1st of next July, the unemployment benefits will increase by 0.7%, has decided the board of directors of Unédic, June 26. What infuriate the unions, already angered by the reform of unemployment insurance facilitated by the government. The increase is the same as in 2018, after an appreciation of 0.65% in 2017, and a freeze in 2016.

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The trade unions disapproved. “The proposal has been adopted by the single vote of the employers”, says the CFDT, dissatisfied. The central calling +1.5 per cent, “in relation to the evolution of social minima (+1.6%), with changes in the minimum wage (Smic, + 1.5%) and the index of consumer prices (+0.9 per cent)”. “This evaluation should at a minimum maintain the purchasing power of the job seekers !” growls the confederation in a press release. A feeling shared by Force ouvrière, which called for a revaluation of 2%, and the CGT, which denounces the “contempt for management”.

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The ARE going to 29,26 € per day

The minimum allocation for the return to employment (ARE) training increases 20,81 € to 20,96 € per day .

The fixed part of the ARE going to 11,92 € to 12 € per day compensation, (to which is added the variable share of 40.4% of the daily wage of reference, SJR) (1) applicants for employment to be compensated for more than six months, will benefit more from an increase of 0.7 per cent of their SJR.

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in Mayotte, the unemployment benefits are uprated in the same proportions. The minimum allocation is given to 14,62 euros per day (versus a 14,52€) and the minimum allocation ARE training going to 10,48 euros per day (versus a 10,41€).

2.6 million individuals

94% of job seekers compensated are affected by this revaluation, some 2.6 million people. The cost is about € 190 million for the second half of 2019 and the year 2020, says the Unédic.

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on The 18th of June last, the government has presented its measures to reform the unemployment insurance. These include tightening the rules of access and compensation. Objective: 3.4 billion euros of savings in three years.

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Unemployment and resignation, mode of employment, 2.5 million French are going to touch the Christmas bonus: and you? Unemployment: on the 1st of November, the compensation rules have changed

(1) The daily wage shall be calculated on the last 12 months of salary prior to job loss.