A large majority of 87% of municipalities are expected in the next few months, the financial difficulties due to the coronacrisis report EenVandaag) and the Association of Netherlands Municipalities (VNG), on Monday, on the basis of a collaborative study among 162 cities.
The revenue of the municipalities were due to the pandemic will be lower. As reported at 78 percent and that there will be less tax coming in, will notice a 75 per cent of that for rent of the gemeentepanden of non-payment and will receive a 57 per cent reduction in tax revenues.
in Addition to the expenses of the authorities is also increasing, due to, for example, the enforcement of the coronamaatregelen, and the increase in the volume of work of the public health service. Also, the increase in the demand for assistance and counseling run in the paper, according to the municipal authorities.
finally, There is need for additional support, visit the association of Dutch municipalities. If the problem persists, would be spending cuts and tax increases need to be made to inform the authorities. Should facilities removal, and the residents who are vulnerable group to be affected, according to the association.
as of Tuesday, the association of Dutch municipalities, with the government’s call for compensation.
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The corona virus, in short, The corona virus is spread mainly through feedback and hoestdruppeltjes. The majority of these patients have mild (flu-like) symptoms. These are the symptoms. Read here to find out what the rules are there to make the time limit. These measures will also be translated into Arabic, English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Turkish. In our coronagids, we will give you a list of all the reliable information, and what you will need, and you can do it now, you are far from home.