to Purchase life insurance online and take advantage of tools and tips to build a strong portfolio ? Here is the promise of “robo-advisors”.
For a few months, the terms of “fintech” and a “robo-advisor” appeared in the world hushed for life insurance. Behind these words, online players who intend to modernize the management of heritage through technology. And that attack at the most important market in terms of assets under management. What does the concept of a robot in there ? The term robo-advisor is a reference to the council’s automated, accessible at low prices. At the beginning, he meant it tools indicating in a few clicks how to achieve an optimal asset allocation based on your goals of gains and risk appetite.
These tools are based on algorithms, which are themselves parameterized in function of the major theories of markets, statistics… But already, this definition is obsolete. Because these new actors blur the cards with offers protean, mixing automatic tools and board human. In addition, the existing offerings are very diverse. If performance will be a key element to choosing the best platform, in the meantime, you can try the following four criteria.
management Side of the business, any delegate or keep the hand
The four actors reviewed focus on two deals are radically different. You have the choice between, on the one hand, a delegated management (WeSave and Yomoni), and the other, a management practice (Mary Quantify and Advize).
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In the first case, you are fully supported. On the site, you fill out a questionnaire to determine your risk profile. According to the results, the platform recommends one of the ten existing profiles. Each of them corresponds to an asset allocation. Then, over time, the portfolio composition may change. The transactions are carried out for you since you have given a mandate for arbitration. You are simply informed of these operations.
For the advisory management, you stay in control of your investments. The platform is there to provide you with a recommendation for the allocation and of the boards of arbitration that you are free to follow or not. Advantage : you can set up your portfolio according to your wishes. The two solutions meet different needs. And it is always possible to get out of a delegated management to switch to a free management.
Attention to the ticket and fare
The contracts of the robo-advisors are relatively accessible, from 1 000€, or even less in case of the scheduled payments. Only exception, WeSave, which adopts a high-end positioning with a subscription of a minimum of 10 000 euros.
However, the creators of the platform to ensure that they are doing a case-by-case basis. On the side of costs, you find a common denominator : 0 % on the payments, the trade-offs and the exit. By contrast, the policy on the management fee differs from one operator to the other.
At WeSave, count of 1.30% per year, and 0.60 % for the insurer and 0.70 % for the management service. It is more expensive than a contract on the Internet, but you experience less indirect costs related to units of account.
indeed, these latter are to bear their own management fees, which are concurrent with those of the contract. Gold WeSave opt for ETF, index funds, very little loaded. Even mounting in Yomoni, in the shade near the 0.70 per cent as remuneration for their service applies only on the allocated share units of account.
management Side of the business recommended, Mary Quantify, in addition to the management fee to 0.60 %, applies a fixed-price lump-sum from 2.90 to 39,90 euros per quarter and a commission of outperformance of 5 % on the gains in your portfolio.
The latter “allows us to align our interests with those of clients,” says Mathieu Hamel, co-founder of Mary Quantify. Finally, at Advize, pricing is more classic : and 0.60 or 0.75% of management fees on the funds in euros and 0.85 % on the units of account, the latter being especially traditional funds.
the richness of The offer and of the supports offered is crucial
The quantity and especially the variety of supports offered are crucial. The two contracts studied with delegated management (Yomoni and WeSave) display a list of 80 to 90 ETF. The profiles are thus constructed from these materials.
But be careful, if you want to return to a free management – which is clearly not the perspective of the contract – it is a different list of funds, the classics this time, you will be offered, comprising only a small twenty media.
note also that in this case, the capital invested in the ETF is automatically refereed to the fund in euro. You then redispatcher to the units of account of your choice. In Mary Quantify, you’ll have access to the best of both worlds with a selection of 36 ETF’s, and 28 funds.
Finally Advize, who works with the analysis firm Morningstar, favors the conventional funds, even if some ETFS are available for subscription. On the other hand, the fintech has, something rare, a real-estate offer. In addition to the fund Netissima, Generali, invested heavily in this sector, it provides access to a SCPI (closed to the marketing currently) and two new vehicles. These supports must, however, be driven separately and are not included in the portfolio to be recommended. “We advise you to open a second contract,” says Olivier Gentier, director-general of Advize.
Tools and services to understand everything and to know everything about his contract
The robo-advisors are a great asset on life insurance contracts traditional : modern interfaces and potentially very rich. Take the time to test their websites before choosing. Some even make it their priority. “We seek to remove all points of friction to simplify the act of saving by offering a simple interface and educational,” says Sébastien d’ornano, president of Yomoni. “The technology should disappear for the benefit of the use of it”, writes Jonathan Herscovici, co-founder of WeSave.
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The underwriting is facilitated even if all are not yet able to offer a 100 % paperless. Simulation tools are available to fine-tune your project. Depending on the amount of your savings, your mortgage, and your risk appetite – assessed by a questionnaire – do you project the value of your capital at term, according to various assumptions more or less optimistic. Mary Quantify, which is the specialty, offers a battery of visual tools to build your portfolio. For all, you then have access to the online tracking of your contract and your investment.