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be with the right questions at the background to Ida Lindtveit Røse (KrF), which vikarierer as children and familieminister while Kjell Britain Ropstad is in pappaperm. Røse chose to take up a job as consultant in kommunikasjonsbyrået First House at the same time she contested the election for the christian democratic party has in the Bay. This means that she has worked on behalf of private clients to help them to affect Norwegian politics, at the same time as she has been campaigning for to be able to be heltidspolitiker and work for KrFs cases.

There is toxic confusion that can be put into question her impartiality and loyalty, even if Røse enough experience that it is not difficult to keep the two spheres from each other. The problem is that voters can be in any doubt about this, and that it wreaks havoc on the trust relationship between politicians and the people who place them in position. That former politicians choose to take their network and apply for a job in the communications industry, however, is debatable, but it becomes particularly problematic when men and women make the political comeback after having been closely involved with private clients and working for their interests.

Wara back to the First House

It has after every been disappointing plain that the minister of state and of secretaries, from several parties, going back and forth between politics and the communications industry. As a professor in the political science Bent Aardal pointed out in Monday’s Dagsnytt Eighteen, is this something the parties themselves should clean up. So it has been, it is increasingly enkeltpolitikere which is set to the environment of their choice, while the practice continues with the political parties ‘ discrete blessing. Unfortunately, it is possible to think that there are many in the party who would be willing to use his political background to go into a lucrative job when they no longer are politicians, and that this is one of the reasons that it not be done more with this practice.

Ida Lindtveit Røses the customer list was released by the First House, after she became minister. But past cases have parts of the kundelistene still to be secret, then the Tor Mikkel Wara went from the First House-job to statsrådpost. It is good that the customer list is public, but it does not it is fundamentally problematic in that the politicians change hats quickly and too often. For the who choose to go to the communications industry should way back be closed.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError NEW CHILD – AND FAMILIEMINISTER: the 27-year-old Ida Lindtveit Røse takes over for Tim Britain Ropstad. Show more

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