TRADE offers: Tata Steel on Thursday issued an ultimatum posed, and shall require, inter alia, a guarantee of baanbehoud in the Netherlands. If the company does not have to be 2 June at 16: 00 will agree, vote, trade union members, on the 4th of June, about possible courses of action.

the First and foremost demand of the union to that of the previous werkgelegenheidsgarantie to October 1, 2021, in writing, shall be confirmed, and it is immediately extended to and including October 1, 2026. Also, make sure the company is promising that there will be no forced dismissals in the Netherlands branch, and that there are no units will be sold.

“ever Since the forced departure of the executive director, Theo Henrar ten days ago, and it is the trust and confidence of the staff to a level below the zero point has failed,” said vakbondsbestuurder Building with mountain house. Last week, it was unexpectedly announced that the Henrar, after 33 years, will leave the company. He had made out a case for the baanbehoud in the Netherlands, and india’s parent company controls at the reduction.

the UNION that represents four of the employees of the steel company. If Tata Steel does not meet the requirements, to determine the members on the 4th of June or is it the actions will follow. On the same date, also lays down the trade union, CNV) to its members this question.