The regions, the public employment service and the many other actors can also support the cost of training for job seekers. Where to find these courses funded ? Who to contact ? Panorama.

The training of job seekers, involving multiple actors (Pôle emploi, the Region, the public employment service, the Department, the OPCA/Opacif, the FPSPP, Agefiph, etc) in the framework of the financing crusaders. However, regardless of the training that you’ve identified, and its funder, you must be enrolled to Pole employment. All the procedure of training is carried out in close collaboration with your advisor Pole employment, in the framework of your PPAE.

The Regions have become a major player in the training of the unemployed. They have spent € 4.6 billion for vocational training in 2013.

The training of job-seekers is a regional competency, that is why, each regional council shall adopt each year its own program of training and integration for this audience. Some Regions finance training, qualifying or not, cheques, VAE (validation of acquired experience), mobility aids, etc, Your advisor Pole employment can guide you to devices deployed in your area and meet local needs. The objective is to finance training to meet the needs of the job pool. The possibilities for training depend, therefore, on the dynamism of the area in which you are

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To know the list of actions financed by the Region , please visit the website of your regional council, as well as that of the Carif (animation Centre, for resources and information on the training) of your place of residence. The site can you help him get there. you can then do a search based on key words or the professional sector you’re aiming for.

The State has transferred to the regions credits who were assigned to the AFPA (national Association for adult vocational training) to train job seekers. However, finance still actions in favour of people in situations of illiteracy, prisoners, refugees, the disabled, and co-funds many programs of training and integration with other partners : the Regions, the OPCA, the FPSPP, the Agefiph for example.

note: The formation of these specific groups must be transferred to the Regions in the framework of the act III of decentralization in preparation.

The State also approves of the internship, at the national level, regional and departmental levels, entitlement for trainees in the public system to pay (RSP). The list of courses approved by the State is available on the website of the Centre Inffo.


The AFPA is one of the specialists of the training of job seekers. To steer you and guide you in the choice of your training, it offers an online tool : Ori@dis site aid to orientation at a distance.

The site of the AFPA offers various solutions “training”.

on the other hand, information meetings on the trades are organized regularly in the regional centres of the AFPA. On this occasion, you will be able to discover the business that you are interested in, its industry, the related training and application training. To find the dates of the information meetings, please see the “Agenda” section accessible from the home page of the regional site of the AFPA.

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The CNAM (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers), and CRP (vocational rehabilitation centres for persons with disabilities), also provide, either alone or in partnership with other actors such as the Region, actions for job seekers. The offer of private training is also abundant for job seekers. To get this, you can consult our directory of training.