The AFC (action de formation conventionnée) by Pôle emploi is intended to facilitate the rapid return to employment by a complement of competencies. Target audience: unemployed people with low level of qualification and/or retraining. Mode of employment for benefit.

The training activities accredited by Pôle emploi is intended to develop the skills and strengthen the professional skills of job seekers. Line of sight: meet the qualification requirements identified at the territorial level or in professional and corresponding to the recruitments of the companies. The purchase is formalized by a “purchase agreement” means between the regional director of Pole employment and the training organization selected hence the name “action formation conventionnée”.

1. Who can receive training and subsidized?

It applies to applicants benefitting from the AER (allocation of aid for return to employment) or the CSLR (compensation training employment centre). Objective: to fill a gap between your skills and the requirements of the labour market in terms of know-how (know-how techniques, allowed C, D, FCOS, foreign languages, etc) or degrees, in particular for certain activities (home help, work with children, etc). The diagnosis of your weaknesses is being done in conjunction with your advisor Pole employment.

You can find the list of trades, so-called “tension” in the documentation area of your agency; if not, ask your advisor.

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2. Where to find a training subsidized?

Pôle emploi an agreement for the organizations that deliver these courses after bidding. The regional director of Pôle emploi establishes upstream specifications, which meet the specific needs of training according to the needs in skills and jobs identified locally.

from the development of your PPAE (project custom access to employment) or during the subsequent interview with your advisor, you will be able to identify with the latter, amongst the training purchased by the Pôle emploi, the ones that are best suited to your professional project.

You have spotted an offer of employment for which you lack additional training or qualification, you are already engaged in a process of VAE and that you have succeeded only partially… You can, by a course approved by the Pôle emploi, trying to obtain the full qualification.

>> Look for a employment by occupation in your region with The Express Employment

3. What types of training can we follow?

The training accredited by the Pôle emploi can be of three kinds.

courses sanctioned certifying. a period of 300 to 1 800 hours according to professional fields, they can obtain a diploma or an approved title, a certificate of professional branch, or a power necessary to the exercise immediate occupation. training called “preparing for qualification”. , With a length ranging between 160 and 450 hours, they allow the trainee to acquire skills that are complementary to the initial training, in an action of preparatory training in a training certification or access to a professional contract. formations known as “adaptation”. a period of 40 to 300 hours, they aim to provide the skills and techniques to enable the trainee to be operational on a specific position by integrating, in particular, familiarity with the business environment and to compensate for a deficit of professional experience.

namely: the training sessions have an average duration of 360 hours *, in which a required phase in the training centre as well as a phase of acquisition of job search techniques.

4. What compensation does it during this training?

The training allocation agreement with the bathing establishment gives the right to :

– to the AREF for claimants compensated under the AER,

– the CSLR (compensation training employment centre) for job seekers not receiving benefit.

In some cases, assistance for the costs associated with the training (Afaf) may take charge of the costs related to training such as transportation, catering or accommodation).

note: The training sessions do not lead to any participation in the responsibility of the intern. The training organization receives the Pôle emploi financial assistance by beneficiary of the internship.

>> READ ALSO. The specific support of the job center

training abroad

An applicant for employment compensation from Pole emploi at the opportunity to go for training abroad, especially so in a country of the european Union that has concluded a convention with France (Belgium for example). The training must be recorded in the PPAE.

updated the 14/01/2016. NS

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In case of an accident of work or travel, the job seeker must make a declaration to the CPAM (Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie) to which it belongs, and inform the Pôle emploi in the shortest possible time. Before their departure, the job seekers must bring the european health insurance card, the certificate of registration to a training course, and contact details postal, electronic and telephone of their agency Pôle emploi.

*Source: budget bill for 2016.

updated the 14/01/2016. NS