
Video game players are not interested in NFTs, in-game asset ownership, or faster blockchains. They simply want to enjoy playing games without concerning themselves with the underlying technology. At the Game Developers Conference, Web3 companies often try to sell their blockchain solutions to developers who are uninterested in these features. The disconnect between gamers and crypto enthusiasts is evident as the focus is on what the latter group values, rather than what gamers truly care about.

So, what do gamers actually care about? Aside from enjoying the game itself, they value community, data, and extensibility. Indie game developers have found success by involving their communities in various aspects of game development, leading to loyal advocates and grassroots support. Web3 communities can benefit from a similar level of community engagement to build trust and recognition.

Data plays a crucial role in both video games and Web3. Players rely on data for gameplay strategies, analytics, and understanding player behavior. Similarly, Web3 enthusiasts analyze various metrics and whitepapers to make informed decisions. The abundance of data in Web3 aligns with the data-driven nature of the gaming industry.

Extensibility, or the ability to expand upon existing systems, is another key aspect that gamers and Web3 users appreciate. User-generated content is highly valued in gaming, from community tournaments to custom maps. Web3 technology allows users to build on blockchain architecture, fostering a decentralized ecosystem where user-generated content thrives.

To bridge the gap between gamers and Web3 technology, it is essential to focus on solving real problems and meeting actual needs. Demonstrating how blockchain can empower communities, provide rich data insights, and offer opportunities for user-generated content is crucial. By aligning blockchain solutions with the desires of gamers and developers, Web3 technology can revolutionize the gaming industry and enhance the overall gaming experience.